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Sunday 20 March 2011

Harrogate and Blog Candy Winner.

Yesterday was my trip to Harrogate and what a fabulous day I had! My lovely hubbly usually drives me there and then disappears for the day, returning to collect me later. But yesterday he actually came in the show with me. I think any man that goes in these shows must be very brave, facing the hoards of 'women-on-a-mission-to-spend-spend-spend!' And he was a Godsend, carrying my bags, supplying me with coffee etc. What did I buy? Not a lot actually! I got some card blanks, some ink, a few 12x12 papers. I did buy some pearls too, I thought I'd try them on my cards for a change ha! The majority of my cash usually gets spent on MS punches and rubber. But I didn't see any punches that took my fancy, and I do have loads of them already and still only use a select few. As for rubber, I bought the new LOTV sentiments, which I must say are fabulous, but no other rubber at all. I totally blame Karen - Mrs Sugar Nellie herself - for spoiling me with the Sassy stamps. I just couldn't find any stamps at the show that I really liked! I did manage to buy a few bits'n'bobs for next months candy, but I'd have to kill you if I told you what I got.
My lovely hubbly did buy me a gift to be delivered next month, a rather large gift which I can't wait to get my hands on.
The best part of the show was meeting up with some other bloggers. I met the lovely and sweet Christine aka Nanaseaside who is delightful as well as hysterically funny, had a lovely chat with Christine L - Handmade by Christine, and met some ladies I didn't know until yesterday, Lisa Jane aka Mess2magic who came with her lovely daughter, and Sylvia Anne aka Poppys Papercraft Patch. It was so lovely to meet them all and I really wish there'd been more time to chat....but we all had shopping to do!
I also had a good natter with Jacqui who is delightful, and I went for a coffee with Jill from The Hobby House. 

OK, on to the main reason I'm here today, and apologies for the lateness. The winner of the LOTV candy is....

Congratulations to Mo. If you can please EMAIL ME with your full postal address and I will get them in the post.
Thanks for looking and I hope you've all had a lovely weekend.
Love Elaine xxx


  1. Gald to hear you had a good time. Wonder what your hubby bought you???

    Hugs Ali x

  2. ooh cant wait to hear what your wonderful hubbie bought you
    Congratulations to MO!
    Lisa x

  3. sounds like a glorious day out and good old hubby x

  4. Sounds interesting - now wonder what that might be? Anyhow St Phil really sounds amazing, St R would have been crawling up the walls & hopping from one foot to another.
    Glad you had a good time though - half the fun is seeing what is about.
    Paula (PEP)

  5. Hi Elaine
    Glad you hada lovely time i went today it was fab but didn't meet anyone a knew and i didn't spend to much which makes a change,
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  6. Oh sweetie it sounds like you had a magical time! And what a sweet man joining you on your hunt!!

  7. Congratulations Mo. Glad you had a good time Elaine.
    hugs Yvonne

  8. Sounds like you had a great time Elaine. That big pressie from Hubby wouldn't happen to be a Bigshot pro would it?? Nearly at the end of my sort out, your going to be so proud of me.

    Congrats to the winner.

    Hugs Tracy x

  9. You sound like you had a great time. I think I know what you've got, and can't wait to see the 'big' things you make with it, as I'll bet they look proper 'pro'!!! ;0) My hubby offered to buy me a Cuttlebug last Xmas, but I told him it was too much money to spend on crafting stash. Anyaway, I lasted 2 months before giving in and buying myself a Big Shot a couple of weeks ago. LOVE IT TO BITS! Haven't stopped using it since I happily carried it home, clasped in my little hands the whole way back from town in the car. Have fun with your gift, and can't wait to see what you create with it. Annette xx

  10. Congrats to Mo on winning the candy..&&& YES I KNOW what Elaine has coming & am green with envy your lovely hubby was a godsend yesterday Elaine..& YOUR as sweet as they come too ..I do wish I'd seen your tabby with the Tiara tho..did miss her..LOL cant wait till Sept..

    smiles Christine xx

  11. Glad to hear you had a lovely time at Harrogate, It's such a pity I missed it this time :( xxx

  12. Oh Elaine, I was at Harrogate, what a shame I did not see you!! I stayed over in a local hotel and went back today too!!
    Must admit I did buy lots of nice things, but other than the LOTV I did not buy alot of rubber, I thought that was dissapointing but other stuff was great. Debbiexx

  13. Congrats to Mo... pleased you enjoyed Harrogate, sounds like a good time was had, and what a lovely husband, to treat you to a fab gift !

  14. Congrats to Mo. So glad you had a great day at the show.

  15. It sounds as if you had a wonderful day and 'St. Phil' was a jewel. I can't wait to hear how you like your surprise!

  16. Loved meeting you too Elaine....... enjoy what you bought and I look forward to seeing you again in Sept!
    Christine x

  17. Congrats to Mo on the win....sounds like good fun yesterday Elaine, can't wait to find out what your o/h bought you.....see, he was worth keeping after all...lolxx

  18. Hi Elaine
    Firstly BIG congratulations to Mo, what fun she will have, with all that lovely rubbah.
    It sounds like you had far too much fun on Saturday (you lucky thing), AND add to that your lovely hubby (you've got a Diamond in him) brought you a BIG present. If it's what I think it is (and I am a bit of a witch, so my kids tell me) lol, it's the same as I have put on my Bday wish list at the end of the month (although I've been told there is NO WAY HOSE) that I'm getting that for me Bday.
    I should have gone to the Harrogate show, BUT our car got VERY sick, and as it would have had to pull our caravan to stay near the show, we had to forget that idea. I was hoping that I could show him the pressie that I would like/love, and that he would weaken & buy it for me, (oh well best laid plan's as they say) rotfl.

    Can't wait to see what your create with your BIG pressie.
    Sandra (craftynan)

  19. Hi Elaine
    sounds like you had a great time
    hugs sarah x

  20. Hi elaine good to hear you had a good time think meeting people is just as good as buying the goodies and you lucky girl having such a wonderful hubby if you get fed up of him remeber you have my address, lol. he will soon be back with you. Congrats Mo and thanks again for doing all the wonderful candies

  21. Hi Hun, wow who's got a lovely hubby then, next time pick me up too lol, glad you had a good time, and hope you enjoy your present it should be fab, lucky girl, hugs Liz xx

  22. I'm so glad you had a good time at Harrogate. I haven't been for a couple of years I can imagine it's grown a bit since I was last there.
    Loving that your hubby bought you a pressie, but I can't believe you've got to wait until April for it though!!!
    I will respond to your e-mail - promise, don't honestly know where the last week has gone.
    Hope you're keeping well.

  23. Congrats!! to Mo enjoys your lovely goodies!!
    Elaine sounds like you had a wonderful day chum, and you have a very brave and generous hubby, but sure your deserve it all lol' have fun with your very large pressie!! when it arrives. hope you are well take care Lots Hugs
    Sarah x


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