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Tuesday 29 June 2010

Blog Candy!

THIS CANDY IS NOW CLOSED, please scroll to the bottom of the post for the winner. Blimey! I'm back again with round two of the blog candy. Different set of rules to enter this one though so please read before entering.
Still a rubbish photo, so I'm consistent with that bit!
All brand new and unmounted:
hAnglar & stAnglar - Kit 5 Baby, Tickled Pink - Lil Lolita Lyla, Stamping Bella - Patience by Mo Manning, LOTV - Tea Party, LOTV - Get Well Bunny and High Hopes Meljen's Designs - Girl & her Overalls.
Rules of Entry: This candy is open world wide, to those who leave comments regularly only.
I don't mean you had to have left comments on every post, but for those people who do come back regularly. I know my blog is only 2 months old, but I do notice the regular readers and I appreciate you and I want to thank you with this candy. You can still enter for the other candy too if you live in the UK.
In order to enter please leave a comment after this post. Candy will end Tuesday 29th June at 10pm BST.

Thank you for looking and for any comments you may leave.
Love Elaine xx

Edited to add the text below:
Thank you to all my regular readers and commentors for joining in with this little birthday candy.
As there were a very nice and manageable amount of entries (and also because I don't quite have the hang of My Linky yet!) the names were written on papers, folded and placed in a jar.

My son was supposed to be picking the winner, but since he wouldn't come out of his bedroom just wearing his boxers, and I was fed up of waiting, I asked the hubster to do the honours.
Terrible photo! It looks like he belongs in the jungle with those hairy arms, and they're not really hairy in real life! If you zoom in though you can see the nasty burn on his arm. He was taking the Sunday roast out of the oven when he says the door swung back up and he burned both arms. One is ok but the other has really blistered. Silly sod! Mind you, I guess that means he won't offer to cook Sunday lunch again!

                           And hey presto!Houston, we have a winner

Congratulations Sandra (Crafty Nan). If you will email me your postal address then I will get this little lot sent off to you.
A big thank you again to everyone who entered. I will be back tomorrow after the other candy winner has been drawn. I don't quite know why this candy ended at 10pm and tomorrows ends at 9pm, must be the eejit who wrote it!
Love Elaine xx


  1. Such amazing candies youre giving away, the winners will be very lucky. :)
    I dare to join in on this one, even if I only have left a few comments on your blog until now. I`ve had you on my bloglist for weeks, and I visit everyone on it when they have an update, and most of the time, I leave a comment. If you dont feel that I should joint the candy, please tell me so. :)
    Hope you have a great week.
    Hugs, Anne.

  2. Oh Elaine how kind of you but then again as I know from past experience this is just you all over. Would love to own a hangler they are just adorable. Thanks so much for the chance and keeping my fingers crossed. Enjoy the sunshine. Hugs Sue xx

  3. Oh wow what amazing candy! Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. These stamps are gorgeous Elaine! I sure hope I qualify for entry!! ♥

  5. Hi Elaine
    I can not beleive your candy, you are so kind. I soooooooooooooo wanted these hAnglar & st Anglar babies but as I am on a no spending budget this month (the bank manager my hubby) he say NO, isn't he a meanie lol. I am going to keep everything crossed.
    lots of hugs
    Sandra (craftynan)

  6. Oh wow! What fabulous candy.Not sure if i qualify as i only discovered your blog recently enough.If i qualify,thank you so much for the chance to enter :O) I don't know how you do it,but your candy is just WOW! As is your blog :D
    fiona x

  7. wow Elaine, what a generous and kind lady you are!!! I love looking at your blog and appreciate all of the kind comments that you leave me. Thank you so much for the chance to win...x x x

  8. Wow Elaine
    some great candy here. I have only followed your blog recently and left a few comments so I hope I qualify
    Love sarah XXx

  9. Hi Elaine,
    wowzers!! now who wouldn't want to win this lil lot!!
    so i gathered if i offer myself as slave for a week, month, year lol maybe i would be in with a chance lol!!!
    thing is im serious x rofl
    good luck to all of us
    Suzie Qx
    ps thank you lots for chance to win great candy x

  10. Hi Elaine,
    Oooh even more delights and what fab stamps what a generous kind lady you are, obviously would love to win along with the rest of us x
    everything crossed for this one then hope your enjoying some of the sunshine x
    Suzie Q
    erm do you accept back handers lol!!!!

  11. More generous candy Elaine, thank you so much. I know I have visited you but can't remember how many comments I have made - so up to you hun.

    Hugs Ali x

  12. Oh Elaine you are too kind and these stamps are soo cute! Have been drooling over many of them for a while.

  13. Elaine Oh how generous you bist.Ich am often here, but my English is sooo bad that I write here is read a lot simpler. But today I'm here to tell you this to, so if this random number generator selects me, then just start again. Greetings from Austria. Brigadier
    If the room is already finished???

  14. Oh Elaine you are so generous. Who ever gets these cuties will be busy for a long time. Please dont count me in on your candy as I have most of these beautiful stamps. Just wanted to say Hi and to mention what a lovely lady you are again!


    Kimmi xx

  15. Hi Elaine
    Wow amazing candy,love the hangler stamps,
    hugs Dianne xx

  16. Wow, what candy! I don't know if I qualify or not, but I do read your blog, but I don't always leave comments. So I won't sulk or cry in the corner if you delete my comment.

  17. As always very generous and kind. I have replied to you about the paper - hope you got the email. Understand how busy you are!! Take care Caro x

  18. Hi Elaine, fab candy, do you want us to post it in our side bars or not you don't actually say. I would love to win as I don't have any of these stamps either, I'm beginging to wonder just what stamps I have got and I did think I had quite a few. Thanks again for the chance and let me know about the side bar post. julye

  19. Wonderful candy and thank you for the chance to win! All of them look fab! Take care, Susie x

  20. OMG ELAINE I could just scream right now you are just amazing i love what you are offering i have wanted a lil lolita since 4eva i so hope i get lucky thankyou so much for the chance of winning this amazing prize xx

  21. Hi Elaine who wouldnt want any of your lush rubber candy????thanks so much for the chance to win..

    Hugs Christine xx

  22. Hi Elaine thanks for the chance to win this candy, and for becoming one of my followers I really appreciate that hugs Toni

  23. gorgeous candy girl
    thanks for the change to win
    did you had any luck finding the box tamplate bij scor-pal? i hope so
    hugs angelique

  24. Just signed up for your blog a couple days ago. Hopefully i count for this, if not, that's ok.

    Lovely blog and creations.

    thanks for a chance at this yum yum candy.

  25. More gorgeous goodies-wowsa!!
    Many hugs,
    Trish xx

  26. Elaine you are so kind. I am dying to get my hands on a H & S stamp, lol. love Kerry xx

  27. OMG Elaine, what are you like??? You're so increadibly generous. I really should get my a*se in gear and do some blog candy too.

    I'm no where near as regular a commenter as I should be! More fool me for having a small child.


  28. OMG Elaine you are sooooo generous, thanks for the chance to win this scrummy candy hun, I'm sure I'd be classed as a regular stalker lol
    hugs Mandy xx

  29. Not sure I qualify so please delete me if not. Just want to say that your blog gives me so much pleasure & I'm so thrilled to see you with the Sugar Bowl team. Your selection of stamps in this candy made me smile too - have just discovered High Hopes stamps. Take care with all you do & again thanks for all your hard work - I'm sure there is much more behind the scenes as it were.
    Much love
    Paula (PEP)

  30. Hi Elaine,
    You are far too generous, giving away so much, esp those beloved Hanglar Stanglars.....I do hope you kept a set for yourself, they are adorable aren't they. Well best of luck with the candy draw, thank you for the opportunity. Thought I would do a bit of blog stalking tonight before bed, have felt guilty for not leaving comments of late, hopefully once things settle down a bit at home, I can play catch up that much better.
    Have a wonderful certainly deserve it.
    Donna xx

  31. I'm a bit confused - are there two lots of candy?! Either way I'm going to make more effort to start leaving comments on my favourite blogs because even if it all sounds like "OMG... what a lovely card... again" I guess that's still proof that we are all popping in from time to time :) Natasha xx

  32. Just found your blogspot...I will be a loyal follower. I am excited that your blog is only a few months old as mine is not too old either. You have some wonderful CANDY!! I would just love a hanglar stamp..they are so adorable. I would love for you to visit our blog if you have a moment. Good luck to you (and me too!) I will stop back soon.

  33. thank you for the chance to win this hun!

  34. How fabulous is this candy!!! Thank you for a chance to win.
    I am a regular follower as I do find your blog very inspirational although I don't always leave a comment. Maybe I should since it would make you happy :)).
    Hugs, Mette

  35. I hope I'm eligible for your blog candy Elaine. I haven't been round much as I am on holiday. Thank you for your generosity and I'll be back with a vengence once back at home. :-) xx

  36. Thank you so much for this great chance to win.
    These stamps are sooooo cuuuuttteee, we love it, but ist so difficult to get this really nice stamps in germany...
    hugs Clarissa

  37. Hi Elaine ~ Just saw your post in my blog roll about the blog candy... I totally understand about having followers candy (I also have a tiny sweet giveaway on my blog). It sure is hard to leave comments on everyone's blog I follow, but I try to get some in here and there : )

    Have a wonderful week!

    Love and hugs ~

  38. Such a lovely kind thought. Thanks for the chance to win
    Suzanne x

  39. Elaine-

    WOW!!! That is nice collection of beautiful stamps!!! Thank you so much for the opportunity.


  40. My Elaine thats some really yummy blog candy, hope I get a chance to win it. With love and hugs Shirleyxx

  41. Thank you for the chance to win !!! Wonderful candy !!!

  42. Another set of lovely blog candy, Ta you are a star Elaine. Debbiexx

  43. ojee with my sleepy eyes, i saw between the lines that the candy only for the uk is

  44. Hi Elaine can I join in on this seeing as I only found your blog just over a week ago lol, hopefully it's alright as I do so love your work,and your blog candy is so scrummy, thanks for the chance, hugs Liz xx

  45. Congrats to Sandra, enjoy
    hugs Mandy xx

  46. sandra congrats girl enjoy the candy
    that is a nasty burn, but it will heal
    hugs angelique


Thank you for taking the time to leave me some love :)