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Tuesday 28 June 2011

Of Proms, Hops and such...

Just some bits'n'bobs of news. I've been a really busy bunny this week, the washing and ironing is almost caught up with and the house is relatively clean and tidy again.
Today I've had an excited boy, getting ready for his school prom tonight. He was up early, showered and a trip to the hairdressers..little wonder I'm broke but our hairdresser has a Jag! Unfortunately he is streaming with a cold but that didn't put a damper on his excitement.
I always pitied the mothers and fathers out there with daughters to dress for the prom. After all, having a boy would surely be a cheap affair as we can hire a tuxedo for the night? But no, Hal had already seen what he wanted to wear and there was no hiring of it and it was bloody expensive! Darn it...I'll not be retiring just yet!

Just ignore the metal sticking out of his lip..that's what happens when you go away for the weekend and leave a boy at home!

I have got cards made and ready to post on here on the correct days. Thursday sees a new challenge on the Sugar Bowl, and Friday and Saturday will be the Sugar Nellie Carnival of Colour blog hop.

A two day hop to celebrate and showcase the new releases (which are all fab) so I hope you will all come along and join in the fun.
I have got a (late) birthday candy planned for my followers but I wanted to wait so I can include some of the new Sugar Nellies..well, it would be rude not to!
Thanks for looking.
Love Elaine xxx


  1. wow Elaine...what a handsome chappy. i bet he had the girls all running around after him in that flashy outfit!! Not sure about the piercing but then I can't complain as i have one too although you can't see mine...but it's not in a rude place...know what i mean?? it!! Very trendy!!

    is this the boy that likes Styx??


  2. Hi Elaine, What a handsome young man! (even with the metal in his lip lol!) I used to really dislike body piercings but my children started an after school club and there is lad who works there with numerous piercings, tattoos etcs. Do you know he is one of the nicest people I have ever met so ever since then piercings haven't bothered me in the slightest :-)

    Lisa x

  3. wow elaine thats no boy that one hunk. Very flash bet he is a hit with the girls but ouch i can image the price.

  4. Wow Elaine, he sure looks all spiffed up, you can tell he has a real sense of style! I really love his matching hair and tie! What a handsome son you have.

  5. Hi Elaine wow he looks very hip! proper gent!.
    i hope you got my e-mail?

  6. Aw......our baby boy...all growded up!!! a wedding suit next.... hats...
    LOL...carried away!

  7. wow! I bet the girls went crazy when he oh! to be young again.
    Brilliant attire, love the hair xx Mau

  8. oh fabulous!! I have all this to come....and with 2 pinks and 2 blues...I'd better start saving up I think! xx Jenny xx

  9. hi huni omg your son looks amazing such a hansome young man i love his outfit he looks like he is off to a premiere bless him i hope he has a ball,hope your ok too looking forward to seeing your cards too take care xx

  10. Hi Elaine
    A hansome young man i know the feeling my daughter as her prom on Friday so as soon as i have a pic i will show you,i cannot wait it's costing me a fortune,
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  11. I think he looks very dapper and I love the red in his hair matching the red in his tie. Of course I have to wonder how much he will love this in 15 years but it is all about enjoying it now! Go break some hearts Hal!

  12. Elaine,
    Your Hal is such a good looking young man. I know he is what the kids here call a 'chic magnet"! It is so fun to watch our chicks mature but also tugs at the heartstrings....and if a little metal to the lip is all that happens while you were gone, hey not bad at all...hugs

  13. Hi Elaine, Wow your son looks very smart, I love his outfit. I have all this to come on Friday with my daughter.
    Debbie x

  14. Wow Elaine, Hal scrubs up well doesn't he ... its a fab outfit, love the cane!
    I am dreading the girls' forays into the world of proms!!
    Cathy xx

  15. Expensive or not you should be very proud, and I'm sure you will be ablbe to have some fun embarrassing him by showing off the fab photos in years to come, I know I will with my sons from his junior prom last year and then next May it's his senior prom, when I was at school we just had plain boring but fun parties !

  16. wow you son looks fantastic elaine.very dapper outfit.i hope he had a great night :D

    xx coops xx

  17. Wow he's a cool guy!! Don't worry about the metal.. my brother has plenty more.. that's what happen when you move out of mommy's house..

  18. Love the outfit & it screams money......... just look at that fabric & the texture (were there any offcuts? They would make amazing little gathered flowers for cards). I think you got away lightly if all that happened whilst you were away for the weekend was a little added bit of metal. When I was young it was safety pins through the nose & lips - this is quite sophisticated & let's face it - he's got a sense of colour; the hair matches his tie.
    Hope he had a super time.
    Much love
    Paula (PEP)
    PS - looking forward to the hop, especially those little sherbet pips

  19. Lol Elaine, I thought the same after going through it with my daughter, well at least it wont be as expensive with Conor. Oh no, the cost of the suit, shirt, tie, shoes and of course the stretch hummer..... say no more, I feel your pain. Conor's isn't until the 8th though and settled for a more modest suit from Top Shop, lol, but still parted with £250.

    Very dapping and you should be proud.
    Hugs Tracy x

  20. Oh wow he looks very dapper... (don't suppose he'd know what that means!) But seriously - he lookin' good! And that outfit - he carries it off so well!

    Thanks for sharing Elaine... it's lovely to peek into other people's lives!! LOL
    Christine x

  21. Hi Elaine
    WOW what a dashing good looking young man, (you should be very proud), love the outfit & the hair, hope Hal had a great time. Sorry I missed your Birthday (you kept that quiet), hope you had a great time, & got spoiled to bits from your lovely family.
    May be A.W.O.L. over the next 4 weeks as we are looking after 4 of our grandkids.
    BIG hugs
    Sandra (craftynan)

  22. Hope he had a fab time Elaine. Looks proper cool.

  23. Wow Elaine Hal scrubed up well must av took you ages? LOL defo a heart breaker here gal.. looks a proper gent very dapper..hope he gets to wear these fab clothes again..?

    smiles Christine xx

  24. What a dashing young chap you have Elaine, love his outfit.
    Parcel on route tomorrow!!!!

  25. Fabulous photo and the outfit is wicked - so cool i bet he was the best dressed lad there x
    suzie Qx


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