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Saturday 22 May 2010

Candy Winners!!

Morning all, I'm back with the Candy winners.
Using the first number is

Brigadier said...
Hi Elaine,
I wish you every success with your blog and I hope I win this candy.
Brigadier from Austria
21 May 2010 12:34

Congratulations Brigadier!
If you could please leave me a comment on this post stating whether you would like Set A or Set B of the stamps, and which of the papers you would like then I can get them posted off to you asap.
Second number picked is
Judy's Crafty Moments said...

Now I have blogged about it i am going to make sure I am in with a chance to win it :)
Look at all the blogging world that has discovered you now!!!
Hugs Judy xx
14 May 2010 11:36

Congratulations Judy, it couldn't have happened to a nicer person!
As soon as Brigadier responds with her choice then I will post your winnings off to you.
I have another very tiny Candy to give away. No hAnglars in this candy sorry!
I asked for a little favour on Wednesday, and a big thank you to all the ladies who granted my request, it was very much appreciated. I've had a look through all the comments and my son picked a name out of the hat.
Suzie Q said...

Hi Gayle,
fantastic card those little flowers are fab and your image beautifully coloured x
Happy Birthday to you enjoy your day x
Suzie Qx
18 May 2010 18:16

If you can drop me an email with your address and I'll pop your parcel in the post.
Thank you everybody who took the time to enter and leave such lovely comments.
P.S. Next time I'll use Mr Linky!!!
Elaine xx


  1. Congratulations to the lucky ladies!

    Thanks again for the chance at winning some lovely candy Elaine!


    Kimmi x

  2. Yahoooooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
    lucky me - thank you Elaine's son!!
    off to email x
    Suzie Qx

  3. Congrats to those lucky winners! I feel a little sad now cause these H&S stamps are my all time favorites ;-) hugs, jolanda

  4. COngrats to the lucky winners!! Good luck on the take off of your blog, Elaine!

  5. Well done to everyone.
    Suzanne x

  6. congrats ladies and thankyou Elaine hun xx

  7. Congrats to all the winners! Thanks again for the chance...and thank you for sharing with us your creations.

  8. Thank you, I'm so happy, I would like so long stamp and now I have won, I choose Set A and thanks for the congratulations from the other participants.

  9. Now I've forgotten in the joy of the paper, as I leave the choice to you, am so happy with the stamps, Brigadier

  10. congrats girls, have fun with the candy's, hugs angelique

  11. Happy crafting ladies. Thank you for the chance to win Elaine.

  12. Congrats to the lucky winners:) Thanks for the opportunity Elaine.

  13. Congrats to the winners!

  14. Congratulations to the winners! enjoy!


Thank you for taking the time to leave me some love :)