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Friday 21 May 2010

hAnglar & stAnglar Blog Candy

                                              Photograph is copyrighted to hAnglar & stAnglar.
Well, I'm back as promised with my first ever blog candy! Being very new to all this I asked for some advice off my more experienced blogging buddies, and taking note of what they said, I shall split the stamps up and pick 2 winners.
SET A will contain:
The 2 sitting figures in the spotty clothes - left hand side top row.
The two smaller sitting figures - right hand corner top row.
The chair.
The branch sprig. A total of 6 stamps.

Set B will contain the remaining stamps:
The 2 remaining sitting figures - middle of the top row.
The 3 standing figures - bottom row.
The 'Springtime' sentiment - under the chair. A total of 6 stamps.
The stamps are brand new and unmounted.

Also, because I have been having a good clearout, I have some papers up for grabs.

MME Ooh La La for him 12 x 12 paper kit, Cosmo Cricket Early Bird 12 x 12 kit,
Cosmo Cricket Jolly By Golly 6 x 6 pad and Basic Grey Eskimo Kisses 6 x 6 pad.

1st name drawn after the candy has closed will get to choose Set A OR Set B of the stamps, one of the 12 x 12 kits and one of the 6 x 6 pads.
2nd name drawn will receive the remaining stamp set and remaining papers.
In the event that the 1st name drawn doesn't claim the candy, then number 2 will get 1st choice and another name will be picked.
Rules to enter? Do you have to become a follower? Definitely not. I would much rather have people be followers because they choose to do so rather than because they have to in order to win something.
Do you have to post it on your own blog and link it back to me? Again no. I would very much appreciate it if you did spread the word around. Being so new, I'm more than a little scared that no-one will enter!
If you do wish to enter then please leave a comment. If you do not have a blog, then please make sure you check back when the draw has closed or I won't be able to find you!
Draw will close Friday 21st May 2010 at midnight gmt.
Sorry it's been such a long post!
Elaine xx
EDITED TO ADD: I do not wish to upset or offend anybody, but one comment only please. In the interest of fairness, if more than 1 comment per person is left, then the other comments will be removed. I hope you can all understand my reasons for this, I want it to be fair to all.
I will post to any country but please note that I will not be responsible to pay any duties/tax. I will mark the parcel as a gift. Thank you xx


  1. What a generous thing to do Elaine. This is a fabulous candy and I will gladly put it in my sidebar. I think everyone should hop by and see your beautiful work. Thank you for the chance to win. :-) xx

  2. Oh wow....such an amazing candy...would fit into my grubby mitts beautifully!! lol Welcome to blogland...saw some gorgeous creations so I must come back! bx

  3. Elaine,
    This is awesome, and I am just getting into the world of stamps...I've been making cards for awhile and hope hope hope to win this blog candy! I love your artwork...all are amazing!!!
    Thanks so much,

  4. Elaine
    what a wonderful blog candy you have put up!! I think your work is beautiful and wanted to add myself as a follower to you so I can come back to admire your work:-) My blog is a year old and I know it's scary to start, I was and I really enjoy having it so Congrats and enjoy it:-)

  5. Hi Elaine, have found you through Marlene and wow, what a fabulous and generous blog candy! Will definitely put it on my blog and would also like to say, your cards are great and your colouring is wonderful!

  6. Hi Elaine
    Wow, what lovely blog candy, thank you so much for the chance of winning one set. Your blog is lovely and your colouring on your cards is beautiful. I will def be following you in future. Welcome to the friendly world of crafty blogging x x

  7. You are just too generous for words. Its people like you that make the world a better place...Thankyou for giving people a chance to win some candy and i hope you have many happy years blogging xx

  8. This is an amazing give away - and your art is stunning! I'm more than happy to be a follower and share your candy. Just stunning!

  9. Hello Elaine!
    YUMMY!!!! This is just the most gorgeous candy, thank you so much for offering it and welcome to blogland ;o)
    I agree with you about not expecting people to follow you when you have candy, but I'm following you so I can see more of your gorgeous creations ;o)
    I'm off to add a link to my sidebar and wish everyone 'good luck'!
    Hugs Tara xx

  10. Hi Elaine! Welcome to blogland! A friend told me about your blog so I've come over and become a follower now:) Look forward to seeing more of your creations! OMG how amazing is this candy-and HOW did you get the stamps in the first place???!!! You are one generous lady! I would be soooooo thrilled to win these babies:) Lots of Love, Rowena

  11. Hello Elaine!
    Wow what a candy.If I`m abel to (!!) I put a link yo you in my sidebar.
    I`m a totaly newbie in this, my blog is one week old on sunday!
    But I`v got two followers, I do not know how they found me!
    I like your card.

  12. Hi Elaine,
    Firstly I'm so pleased i have stumbled across your blog your work is super! I have followed your blog so I can come back and see more ;0)
    I'm off to post a pic in my sidebar and thank you so much for the chance of winning this gorgeous candy.
    Lana xoxo

  13. A friend of Marlene is a friend of mine. Welcome to the happy world of blogging. WAUW you do know what to offer as blogcandy - don't you - we can't even get these stamps here in Denmark with Sweden just around the corner. I will be happy to put your candy in my blog side bar. Just you wait - no reason to fear you will get plenty of visits. Now I must have a little look around the rest of your blog. Thanks for offering this lovely candy and FINGERS CROSSED. Best wishes CharlieDK

  14. OMG!!!!You are sooooo generous.I am new to blogging so could understand you being a litle nervous.I have my fingers crossed for this wonderfull candy.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  15. Wow, what stunning cards you make! Will def. be back to see your work again. And what gorgeous stamps you will be giving away.... sure I would want to use them :) Thanks for the chance of winning them. Regards,

  16. Ohhh fab candy Elaine, and welcome to the world of blogging. I will add a link on my blog over the weekend.

  17. Fab Candy...Elaine....I'm spreading the

  18. Hi Elaine, found you via Marlene's blog. Your cards are gorgeous and that candy is fantastic and very generous - thanks.

  19. What a fantastic blogcandy - and you make so nice cards, so I'll be back soon to look at your cards again....

    Hugs from Henriette

  20. Woweeee. I don't think you need worry about people not entering, lol. Awesome blog candy, so generous of you.

    Love your cards!! You should try out for the DT call on Stampin' for the Weekend.

  21. Dear Elaine!
    I love your blog, your cards are fantastic! And thank you so much for the chance to win your gorgeous candy - wooooooooooooooooow !!!

  22. Hi Elaine,
    I have found your blog from Marlene. Wow, thank you for giving us the opportunity to win such amazing candy, you're very generous!
    I have added a link in my sidebar, I hope that's okay.
    xx :0)

  23. Oh I love hAnglars they are my favs! I'm definitely entering, thanks for the chance to win some lovely candy! I found you through Marlene too. :) ~hugs

  24. Wow....this is amazing generous...and have also been looking at your cards.....which are gorgeous...good luck with the blogging.

  25. What a great candy you are offering. And what great and cute cards you make. I'll post your candy on my blog!

  26. I found your blog through Marlene's blog. I'm glad I found you, because yor coloring is AMAZING!!!!! I'm a big copics fan, but seeing your cards I think I will try my DI's again.
    And such fabulous candy you're offering. Wow, wow. I'm going to follow you trough my google reader, so not the normal follower way. But don't be afraid, I will not miss any of your cards. I have no blog myself , but I will spread the word about your blog by other means.
    I'm sure a lot of people will soon visit your blog every day. Thanks for the chance to win these cute stamps and for all the beautiful cards that are going to come on your blog.

  27. Wow...what great candy. I love it all so keeping my fingers crossed that I am one of the lucky ones. Great work on blog.

  28. Hi Elaine,
    I'm a follower and it is linked on my blog for you. Elaine you've been so generous, it's a wonderful candy. Now everyone who stops by will see what gorgeous cards you amke and what a great blog.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  29. OMG Elaine what amazing generous candy, I am becoming a follower because I want to stay in touch with you as your cards are beautiful.. but as for sharing the candy news that's a different matter LOL but I will!!! thanks for the chance. Hugs Sue :o)

  30. Wow Elaine fabulous candy. I love it all,
    Happy crafting not only to you but to Marlene who directed me here and also to all you crafters out there in cyberland, enjoy. xxx

  31. Wow, what super blog candy you have on offer. I have added a link on my side bar. Oh, and don't give up on the challenges - your cards are fab and I love coming by for a visit.
    Hugz Andrea.xx

  32. Your blog candy is awesome. I've been dying to get my hands on some H&S stamps. I will spread the word too! thanks for offering such a great prize!

  33. What a great blog candy. I found your blog through Marlene. If I would win I hope you will send them to a lovely blogfriend of mine. She would be very happy to recieve these cute stamps.
    Hugs Sinikka

  34. Hi Elaine,
    Your candy is fabulous - thanks for the chance to win! I'll pop a link in the sidebar on my blog.
    I found your blog via a link on mar1ene's blog...and I'll definitely be back - your cards are gorgeous...and your colouring is stunning!
    Helen x

    PS - I have candy on my blog too at the mo...

  35. This is a fabulous candy It's so generous of yuo!I will tell about your candy in my blog and ask them to hop by and see your stunning work.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  36. I found your blog through Marlene. What a wonderful set of stamps to give away. Love looking at your work.

  37. Hi Elaine,

    I have just found your blog through Marlene's blog. Your work is fab and i will definately be back again. I have joined as a follower and i will post your candy on my blog to spread the word.

    Kerry xx

  38. What a beautiful thing to do and gorgeous candy too, your blog is beautiful found you when I seen your stunning DT card on Just Cute Bears, have became a follower, and will put pic of your candy on my blog and spread the word of your beautiful creations, Thanks for this chance to win these gorgeous stamps, would love to know where you can get these from, be grateful for any help on this please
    Sarah xx

  39. Oh my word dear, I about flipped when I saw this candy. What a wonderful prize someone will win. I think the images are gorgeous but here in the states we can't buy them. Hugs dear

  40. Great candy! Thanks for the chance to win!! I posted about your candy and told everyone to stop by to see your fantastic creations!

  41. What a very generous gift. Your cards are stunning. I have added you as a link and a follower.

    Thanks for the chance to win some fab stamps

  42. Beautiful blog candy, you're so generous. Thanks for the chance to win. I'll keep popping in to see more of your work.

  43. wow sweetie, what an amazing candy - I would seriously do just about anything for a chance at these beauties, lol. Glad I found your blog

  44. What a fabulous candy, you're so generous, thanks for the chance!! Became a follower of your gorgeous work and linked you on my sidebar so more people will find your beautiful creations!! =)
    Hugs, SannaS

  45. Fantastic blog you have here. I'll definitely become a follower so I can pop by from time to time. Thanks for the chance at the fabby blog candy! :)

  46. oooh, I think you will have a few people entering!!! fab candy, welcome to blogland! hugs debx

  47. Stumbled across you from Donalda's blog. Glad I did for your posts make me laugh & encourage me so much. I too am a technophobe & spend hours trying to get this blogging stuff OK - the number of times I edit doesn't bear thinking about. I love your colouring with Distress Inks - have only been colouring images & blogging since Feb. I too love Sugar Nellies - they brought me to blogland & colouring. Interesting to see somebody Hanglar averse - I cannot make my mind up so would love to win so I can have a go at colouring them. Couldn't resist following & shall link to sidebar - what will be will be!!Thanks again.
    Paula (PEP)

  48. Hi Elaine
    Your blog is beautiful, your cards are gorgeous. I'm one of your new follower, I want to see your next cards. Thanks for giving us a chance to win one of your super blog candy!

  49. Hello , what a candy!I love the Hanglar and Stanglar stamps, would we could buy them here in the Netherlands. Therfore I hope to win this candy.
    thanks for the chance

  50. I just came across your blog via Marlene and had a peek around. I love your style and have added your blog to my follow list. I have always loved Hanglar and Stanglar stamps, but unfortunately they are not available in the USA so I would be absolutely thrilled to win a set. Thanks so much for the chance :)

  51. Hi i have just discovered your blog from the wonderful Paula(pep)who gave me the link i have become a follower so i can see all of your future projects and would also like to thank you for the chance of winning your wonderful candy must dash as i want to put it on my side bar thanks again
    Lorraine xx

  52. so generous and your cards are stunning!

    Hugs Jane x

  53. Hi Elaine, thanks for the chance to win such gorgeous candy - I just love Hanglar & Stanglar stamps but living in Australia, don't own any! I don't have a blog yet but have emailed all my crafty friends to tell them about your blog and candy. I love your colouring in, and your card style.

  54. Welcome to the world of blogging. I love your blog background.

  55. Your blog is wonderful. Thank you for offering up such delicious blog candy. I love H & S. I hope someday we'll be able to get them here in the states. Well, a girl can dream, can't she?

  56. Wonderful candy. I'm in for sure.

    stamp on...

  57. Morning sweetie,
    WOW- this is one way of increasing your followers. I just hope that most will stay as your work deserves to be seen by many.
    Unfortunately I don't know how to add your candy to my blog yet- really will have to find out how to do it sooner rather than later.
    I've heard of these guys before, but it's the first time I've seen them, they do look good and so do those yummy papers LOL
    Many hugs,

  58. Hi elaine, what a great candy you have to give, i will tell it on my blog, thanks fot the chance to win xx

  59. Wow Elaine you are doing brilliantly to say you only started blogging a couple of months ago, far better than me and I've been at it since september, love your pretty template I just have a blog bog standard as I haven't got a clue how to get a better one. I love finding new blogs so will happily be a follower your cards are fab, I love sugar nellie too.

  60. Hi Elaine, Just been having a look see round your blog. You have some gorgeous cards on here. Fabulous candy you have for us bloggers to enter and I just adore these little cuties. Thanks so much for the chance to give some of them a new home. Will pop this candy on my sidebar.

  61. Whau, what a great blogcandy. Lucky you, that you are able to buy HANGLAR stamps. I will tell all my friends about your blog ;o)Greetings from Denmark XOXO 10na

  62. Hey Elaine! First, welcome to blogland! :o) A friend pointed me in the direction of your blog, and I'm so glad she did! I've just spent the last 10 mins having a wee mooch around, and your cards are STUNNING! I use Copics to colour, but your colouring with DIs is breathtaking - WOW! So of course I'm now a follower! Hee hee! Can't quite believe you take your piccies with your mobile phone camera - it must be a good 'un, LOL! Ooh, nearly forgot to say thank you so much for offering such amazing candy - another 'WOW'!! I'll spread the word... 'See' you soon! Hugs, Sem x

  63. Thanks for the chance to win this great candy!
    Your cards are great!!!!

  64. Hi Elaine, what an amazing blog candy you got, hope I win. Thanks.


  65. Great candy Elaine, those stamps are beautiful.
    Will post on my blog sidebar.

    Pam x

  66. Wow Elaine, you are going to be Miss Popular of blogland with that fab candy, a big warm welcome, you will soon be totally addicted and sleep deprived, hee hee, Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous candy!! your cards and colouring are fab!! Happy Crafting, Sue xx

  67. I would love to win this things:0)
    So I'm in for it:0)

  68. Hi Elaine!
    Wowwww.......thank you give us the chance to win this lovely candy! Your cards are fabulous and I wanted to add myself as a follower to you ,so I can come back to admire your work!
    I put the link in my sidebar and spread the word!

    Katinka Xx

  69. What a great blog-candy!!
    I`ve put a link to this in the sidebar of my blog.

    Such cute cards you`re making! - I will visit your blog again!

    Have a nice weekend!

  70. Just discovered your blog through the lovely Marlene and have to say your cards are stunning... i've become a follower so I don't miss any of your creations :)
    If I get a moment to do a blog post I'll certainly pop a link back here in it!
    Good Luck with your blog and candy i'm sure you'll get lots of interest :)
    Thank-You for the chance to win some lovely candy... the OhLaLa & Jolly By Golly papers are on my wishlist so crossing fingers!

  71. This candy is so generous!Thank you for the chance to win!
    And your cards are beautiful, I love your style!
    Silvie from France

  72. Hello Elaine, you have a very beautiful blog with marvelous maps, please me all very well. Thank you for the Candy

  73. Hi Elaine, how can you be a little scared that no-one will enter?! That's a dream for every crafter!!! Thanks so much for a chance to win! It should be a perfect gift for my birthday! eheheheh!! Hugs from Italy,

  74. Hi Elaine, just been having a look around your blog. your cards are amazing, the coloring just perfect with the distress inks, you can see you've been coloring with them for quite a while, they are amazing. Congratulations on making it into the blogging world...its a wonderful place and it won't be too long before you are more than comfortable entering loads of challenges and posting like mad.
    I've become a follower of your blog, so that I can see more of your wonderful creations.
    You are being very generous with this blog candy.....I have popped it onto my sidebar and will keep my fingers crossed.
    Donna xx

  75. this is a very nice candy.
    thanks for the chance toe win some hangler stamps.

  76. Just discovered your blog from the wonderful Marlene's blog.
    Wow what a fab candy, thanks you so much for the chance to win, I dont have the pleasure of owning any Hanglar stamps so here's hoping.
    Love Gail x

  77. Welcome to blogland Elaine I came from the wonderful Marlene's blog. Its a bit scary at first but I have found some truly inspirational,friendly, loving firm friends on here and its marvellous.
    Tracy x

  78. Aw...I wanted to be comment 69...not 79!!!
    I WANT those papers...having paper buying withdrawal symptoms!!!
    Yes, broadband is working again(for the minute)

    Luvs ya

    The fiddle fingered witch x

  79. First time I have visited your blog, but it deff won't be the last time, you have made some beautiful cards!!

    Thank you for the chance to win some amazing stamps and papers

    Good luck with you blog it all looks very professional, I will be sure to stop by frequently :-)

  80. Oh Elaine, your blog is everyones wildest dreams come true, it would be so fabulous to win it. Thank you for the chance. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  81. Hi Elaine i love your cards and i will be taking a look all the time now for some inspitrations.Your candy looks very yummy.i hope I am lucky.Stella

  82. what a beautiful candy and what a fantastic blog love your work, welcome to the blogging world and i will be by to visit more often now i have 'discovered' you x

  83. Hi Elaine
    I have found your blog thru Judy,wow what fabulous candy,will pop it on my blog and i am now a follower,
    Hugs Dianne xx

  84. Wow! Elaine. You have a very generous candy. Welcome to blogland! :) I'll put a note on my blog and send people over!
    Kel x

  85. Now I have blogged about it i am going to make sure I am in with a chance to win it :)

    Look at all the blogging world that has discovered you now!!!

    Hugs Judy xx

  86. Welcome to Blogland and thanks for providing such wonderful candy. How awesome are YOU! No fear of no one I think I'll be entrant number 84, if no one jumps ahead of me...hehe I wouldn't mind receiving any candy, as you have such delightful items on offer. Good luck and I'll be visiting you again soon. Hugs Sharon (South Africa)

  87. OMG...what a candy!! I just loooove theese stamps, they are so cute. You also have a very nice blog and make beautiful cards!! I will follow you for sure - candy og not :0)

    I've put your candy in my sidebar
    I wish you a nice weekend.

    Hopeful regards and hugs from Wenche (Norway)

  88. What a great candy, I simply must join in, even if the odds of winning are slim. Keeping my fingers crossed. :)

  89. Welcome to blog-land Elaine! Popped in from Judy Laing's blog :) Will add your candy to my sidebar.

    Your coloring is gorgeous! :)

  90. Wow Elaine what amazing candy! Thanks so much for the chance to win! Hugs, Jessie

  91. WOW Elaine!! What awesome candy, thank you so much for the opportunity to enter. Look at all your entrants already, and you were worried nobody would enter lol! Will def become a follower and post this on my sidebar. Once again thank you. Lotsa luv xxxx

  92. Welcome to blogland Elaine! You do beautiful work and will happily come back for more!! :)
    Thanks at the chance for winning these gorgeous Hanglar stamps and papers!
    Hugs, Danielle

  93. WOW! You know how to do Blog Candy!
    Thanks for the fun!

  94. Wow, can't believe you are giving these away.
    Good luck blogging, looks lovely.
    A very generous candy..

  95. WOW!!! Stunning Blog Candy and fabulous blog....

    Thanks for offering this and can't wait to read your next post!

    Hugs and have a great weekend,
    Emma x

  96. Oh Elaine
    Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging.
    So are so very generous to give everyone this fantastic opportunity to own some of the hottest and most soughty after stamps in the crafty world!
    You have a wonderful blog and will have so many lovely followers in no time.
    Thanks for your kindness.
    Have a great day.
    I will post your blog on my sidebar and have become a follower today.
    Thanks again
    Debs xx

  97. Well first off I must say how blown away I am by your candy you have on offer. But I thank god that I saw it advertised on someone elses blog which brought me here. i love your cards and have added you into my RSS feeds!!
    Hugs Leonie

  98. Lovely candy! Thank you for the chance!

  99. Welcome to the world of blogging! I don't get anywhere near enough time to participate too often! Your candy is great and very generous! x

  100. Hi Elaine

    What amazingly generous candy, thank you for the chance to win. I have put a link on my sidebar and am now a follower (because I want to!)

    Hugs Ali x

  101. Well hello and welcome to blog land! I have just had a browse at your lovely work and have become a follower simply because I like it!
    Looking forward to seeing more of your creations!

    Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  102. oh my goodness, Elaine! first of all, welcome to the blogosphere! always nice to see another happy crafter who clearly has IMPECCABLE taste!

    second, you won't have to worry about not making friends or nobody entering your candy with a fab giveaway like this! AMAZING! i haven't been able to get any of the H&S stamps, and i have wanted to try them for SO long. they're fabulous!

    thank you SO much for the opportunity, and good luck to everybody!
    hope you enjoy the blogging as much as i do, sunshine! :D

  103. you must be a very brave lady to be able to part with these fabulous stamps,so a big thankyou for offering them up in this fantastic candy,thankyou for the chance,im keeing everything crossed,had a look at your cards they are all fabulous and your colouring is amazing
    love n hugs

  104. thank you so much for the chance to win this candy I will keep everything crossed and hope, I will follow your blog because you deserve it and I would be happy if you visited mine take care Dorothy

  105. what a fantastic blogcandy Elaine thanks so much for the chance to win some fabulous stamps & paper
    xoxo Ba

  106. well, you didn't have to be afraid noone would enter your blog candy =). It's fab and I'd love to have a go.

  107. What a great lil blog you have here! Welcome aboard :) So sweet and generous of you to share with us!

    Good luck in your new adventure!
    hugs, margie

  108. What a wonderful candy! I'll be adding a link to my sidebar. Thank you so much for a chance to win!

  109. Thankyou so much for the chance of winning this amazing candy!!! We are also new to blogging and are thoroughly enjoying entering the challenges!
    Good Luck with your blog - Hop on by to ours when you get chance!!
    Love and Hugs
    Emma and Susan

  110. oh my goodness are you mad girl lol...I wouldnt be able to part with these stamps and how fantastic it would be to win some...thanks so much for the chance
    Mina xxx

  111. Hi glad to have found you i am now a follower too and look forward to seeing your creations..i have also added your candy to my blog sidebar ty for the chance hugs janet

  112. WOW Elaine, thank you for the chance to own these gorgeous stamps
    I have linked the candy to my blog

  113. Wow, Elaine - amazing candy you're offering - how can you bear to part with any of it?! Thank you for the chance to win. Susie x

  114. Welcome to the world of blogging Elaine. I'm glad Judy is pointing us in your direction, your cards are beautiful.
    Your candy is gorgeous hun, I wouldn't be able to part with these, thanks so much for the chance to win, I'll pop a pick and a link in my sidebar
    hugs Mandy xx

  115. Lovely candy, so nice of you! And guess what, May is my birthday, so I'll cross my fingers to get this best possible present!

  116. Thanks for the chance to win such a fantastic prize Elaine. I think you are quite right about wanting followers because they like your blog - nothing worse than your numbers droppng when your candys finished. I am off to post this on my blog and help spread the word for you - although I'd like to keep it all for myself really, lol
    Suzanne x

  117. WoW!!! Lovely candy!
    Thanks for the chance to win:))

  118. Firstly who wouldnt wanna follow your fabulous blog Elaine, secondly thanks for the chance at getting my hands on some awesome candy, these beauties are no where near available to us in SA. I will definitely send the word out.

  119. Super wonderful bog candy! Gorgeous stamps and stunning papers.

    I don't have a blog, but can e-mail some friends.

    abackman66 at

  120. This is so generous of you,will put a link to your blog on my sidebar,great candy.xx

  121. Absolutely gorgeous candy! Hanglars are just impossible to get here and I would love some. Thank you for the chance.

    Teri xx

  122. fabulous blog candy which I'm sure any crafter would love to win I know I would

  123. Hello
    What a nice blogcandy, i love stamps and these are wonderful. Have a nice day!
    Renne from Denmark

  124. Awesome blog candy Elaine! Looks like you have no problem with getting entries! I just found your blog from Judy's Crafty Moments and hopped right on over. Great cards!


  125. great site, and even more wonderful candy. hope i win some

    desperateartist (

  126. wow not one candy but 2 candy's you are giving away!! love to win one of the sets



  127. Ohhhh this is such sweet candy....I would have a really hard time choosing. And I DID become a follower because I wanted to!! I am so glad I found your do beautiful work and I can't wait to check back! Thanks!

  128. Well Elaine... looks like you don't have to worry about no one entering your candy!! haha! You may be new to the blog world (I'm just a few months myself), but you have a wonderful blog and your work is just great!! Thanks for the chance at such GReat candy!!
    Hugs, Denimo

  129. Wow you seem to have slipped my blogging net so I am now a follower of your lovely creations. Your colouring is done beautifully.Thanks you for putting up such lovely candy I don't normally enter but like your creations and offerings so here goes. :) Hugs SamXX

  130. I've only just found your blog, but its better late than never.
    Thank you for the chance of winning such fantastic craft goodies.
    Your cards are beautiful.

  131. Wow!!! What can I generous you are. I need to follow your example and get a blog going. Your cards are amazing and I shall look forward to checking back to see your creations. Thanks again for chance to win this fab candy!
    Claire xx

  132. Yummi candy! And I DO like your blog! I'll put you on my blogroll in my blog! Can't wait to se what you make in the future!

  133. sweet candy, thanks for the chance to win I added your candy to my side bar

  134. Wow what a fabulous candy. I would love to have those stamps added to my modest collection. I think these are the cutest stamps ever. You make really beautifull cards

    Thank you so much for the chance to win this supercandy!

    Amanda XX

  135. What a wonderful blog-candy ! I would like to try my luck............. Don't stop making your beautiful cards ! Loving wishes from Holland.

  136. Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous candy. I've admired these hAngler stAngler stamps, too bad they're only sold abroad, all the same thank you for the chance. I'm ashamed to say that I have not set up or know how to set up my own blog, but enjoy visiting everyone else's. Thank you for all your cards and ideas.


  137. Great Candy and good luck with your new blog. Tracy x

  138. Hi Elaine
    just found your blog through Marlenes.Fab candy so generous of you.Thank you for the chance to win.

    Vicki C

  139. Hi Elaine, hope you are enjoying blogging. I saw your name on Judy's blog and came over for a nosey. She's right your cards are gorgeous. I love your colouring with Distress Inks. I keep meaning to try lol!

    What generous candy and I'll certainly tell people about it.

    Kat x

  140. Wow! What amazing candy :o) Of course people will enter! I love your blog layout also...fab! I have become a follower because I want too lol
    Thanks for the chance to enter for this gorgeous candy.
    Fiona x

  141. Hello: I feel so lucky that I found your blog, your work is great and it really has inspired me to go and try (time allows) to work on my cards! Hope to get some of that candy!! Liliana

  142. This is a really good blog candy and thank you for putting it up for grabs. These stamps are really georgous

  143. Hi isnt blog hopping great you get to meet so many nice freiendly people and learn soo much. Great blog and welcome to blog land i have become a follower as i think you have a lovely blog and will be interested to see what you create. well as for your candy of course who wouldnt want to own these. thank you for being such a kind person willing to share these wonderful stamps and for sharing your creations with us. i will link back to your blog and you are welcome to come visit me anytime. Sue xx

  144. Worried that no one would enter!! Are you crazy? With a chance to win all these lovelies? Seriously though, thanks so much for offering us the chance.

    Hugs Judi xx

  145. Oh wow, Elaine, such a gorgeous candy!!! Thanks for the chance to win all these goodies!

    Hugs, Kiki

  146. WOW - your candy is amazing! Thanks for the chance to win.
    Take care xx
    Anne :)

  147. What amazing card you are offering. Very generous. thank you for the chance to win. Glad to become a follower or such talent!
    love sarah XXX

  148. Oh my goodness hunny what lovely blog candy. Those hanglar stamps are gorgeous. You are being very generous hunny. Am going to post about your candy on my blog. Hugs Linda x

  149. wow thanks for the chance to in i truly love those images and your work is alsome once again thanks tina

  150. Wow Elaine, this is a very generous blog candy you are offering. I love these stamps and have been looking every day on ebay to try and buy some but no luck so I hope I can get lucky and win a few of these images.

  151. Wow, wow, wow. How can you bear to give these gorgeous stamps away. What a generous lady you are. I would love to win these stamps and then may be I could produce some lovely work, just like you!!

  152. Wow!! This candy is awesome! Thank you Elaine for the chance to win. I don't have any hanglar stamps but I've been wanting to get some since the first time I saw them. You're very generous. I linked the candy on my sidebar.

  153. thought nonme would enter your fabulous Blog Candy?! ;) It is just too lovely to not write a comment here, spread the word and become a follower....or just one of hte three things! You are really generous to offer us such a GREAT Candy!!! I simply love it!! Thanks for this change and I hope to get a chance to win!

  154. Oh my! I was going to faint when I saw those yummy stamps AND those papers!! Holy moly... how I wish to be lucky!! Thanks xx

  155. Hi Elaine. Love your blog and WOW, what a prize. You couldn't have chosen better. These stamps are soooo well sought after, I'm sure alot of people will enter. What a great opportunity, I will be watching closely to see who wins.

    Hugs Debbie xx

  156. Berit Anna said……

    Hi Elaine
    Thank you for the chance to win some amazing stamps and papers.
    Your cards are beautiful!

    Big hug from
    Berit Anna (Norway)

  157. Would LOVE IT! LOVE IT! A friend and I debated and debated on whether to order it and split it. This is so awesome of you!! Thanks for the chance.

  158. Hi Elaine, considering your new to blogland, you've done well with 110 followers - your card are really fab, loving all the different styles you do. It's also good to see some other bloggers from up North.
    Also your candy is a dream for anyone to receive - thanks for the chance to win it.
    Hugs Sarah x

  159. No one will enter? I think I'm # 161!
    Thank you for the chance to win some amazing stamps!

    I put the photo, linking back here, in the sidebar of my blog.

  160. Ah, I knew there would be hundreds apply to win the candy! Me too! Such a yummy prize. Thanks so much for offering it.

  161. Wow, what super blog candy you have on offer. I have added a link on my side bar.

  162. WoW!!! Lovely candy!
    Thanks for the chance to win:))

    by tanja

  163. Fabulous offerings! Thanks for sharing your talent with us.

  164. Would love to win these stamps as they are very hard to get here in Australia. Thanks and really like your blog will visit again.

    Regards Avril

  165. Elaine, your cards are beautiful, I glad that I hopped over to look. Thanks for opportunity for the generous blog candy!

  166. Hi Elaine.. I too found you thru Judys Blog and I'm glad I did. How fun for the chance at the Hanglar & Stanglar Lovely Stamps and beautiful papers you've also added to the drawing! I have looked at your blog and love the coloring you do. I thank you in advance for the chance at the drawing and will look forward to checking your blog out daily.

  167. Fabulous candy thanks for the chance to win all these lovely goodies. , I have added your candy to my sidebar with a link back to you

  168. Hey Elaine
    Considering you are new to blogging your cards are just gorgeous. I love your colouring with distress inks (not ventured there yet myself).
    As for your candy it's done one good thing - made people aware of an inspirational lady. So thank you very much for offering such a lovely candy and for making me a follower of your blog.

    Hugs, Mette

  169. such amazing!!! i just love this stamps! you're crazy... ;-)
    I've come from Marlène's blog and just discover your work...

  170. This was a really great candy. So sweet of you let us get a chance to win. You have a great blog!!

  171. Welcome to blogland Elaine, so lovely to have you with us !

    Fabulous candy - making my mouth water !

    Hugs, Jo xx

  172. Hi,
    Thank you for the chance to win your lovely candy... looks like fun to play with!
    I have just discovered your blog. Your cards are lovely... I am going to go back now through your posts properly and admire some more!

  173. Oh I love Hanglars they are my favs! I'm definitely entering, thanks for the chance to win some lovely candy! Maja

  174. Hi there, I only have a blog for about a few months, so it's al vey new to me but what a great candy this is! I have been looking at your blog, and think your cards are really great!

  175. Hi Elaine
    love your cards, your blog candy is fantastic, I have tried so hard to get these fantastic stamps, but so far have had no luck, so I am keeping every thing crossed to win your candy, (but as I have never won any thing before, I'm not holding out much hope lol). I do not have a blog(several reason's) one is a health issue, which hopefully will be sorted in the next few month's. But the main reason is I am not very good with the computer, so I think you are very brave to have entered the blog world WELL DONE.
    Sandra (craftynan)

  176. Wow! Awesome candy. I can't find a way to buy hanglar stamps in the US. So I'm crossing my fingers! LOL! I am glad to find your blog and enjoy your talent. Thanks!!

  177. wow...who wouldnt want to win some of this yummy candy...I have linked on my candy bar for you...good luck in blogland and dont forget....its addictive...Hugs Jackie xx

  178. Über einen Bloghop bin ich hier gelandet und hab mir deinen tollen Blog angeschaut.Und bei so einem Candy kann ich doch nicht widerstehen.lächel.

  179. Hi Elaine,
    Welcome to blogland ... its such a friendly and fab place, but a bit addictive!!

    Love that candy and would love to give those gorgeous stamps a home. I have linked you in my sidebar.
    Cathy xx

  180. welcome to blogland. Love to get idears and inspiration on all the wounderful blogs.

    What a wounderful blog candy, would love to win one.

  181. Hi Elaine, Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!

    I'm fairly new to the whole malarky. But it's a fabulous place. Thank you for offering us all the chance to win some amazing candy. I can't wait to take a look at the rest of your blog.

    See you soon.

  182. Hallo,
    what a wonderful candy, perhaps I'm the lucky one?
    Welcome to the world of bloggers, I'm new,too, but it rocks!
    hugs paperfan

  183. Thank you for the chance!!!! You'll be amazed at the new friends you meet around the world!!

  184. Oh Elaine WELCOME to BLOG LAND!!!! I have my hand up waving as I jumping up and down screaming me me me!!!!!!!!! I want to win these cute little babies!!! LOL..........
    Thank you for the chance to win. WONDERFUL blog candy!!!
    Happy weekend to you, Janiel

  185. Wow, a wonderful candy. Thanks for the chance to win. I don´t habe any of these stamps. It would be so nice to win.
    Hugs from Germany

  186. Fabulous candy - you are generous!!!! Your cards are lovely so I've become a follower and I've also linked your candy to my blog!!!!!!

  187. Wish you very welcome in the world of crafting bloggers ;) (I have also started my first blog early this year...) You will certainly soon have faithful followers and friends to share your creativity with. You're really generous starting your blog with a candy *WOW*! Thanks so much for sharing your works. Hugs from Switzerland, Angie Baechi

  188. Hi Elaine what a generous gift to offer came across you from Minas site and I will be popping back hugs Toni

  189. Hi Elaine,
    congrats to your new Blog, it looks gorgeous! Love the title - i'm also a technophobe having a blog! :-)
    And thank you for offering this fabulous Candy, I've linked it on my sidebar.
    Hugs, Sandra

  190. Hi Elaine, thank you for being so honest about how scary setting up your blog has been, I thought it was just me! Keep going Claire xxx

  191. WELCOME to blogland hun! I can't wait to go and look through your blog and see your creations! :) Thanks so much for the chance to win such AMAZING goodies....I love the Hanglar stamps and we can't get them here in the US so I am VERY Excited at the chance to win these! :) Thanks for the chance to win hun!
    Big Hugs~ Kim

  192. Beautiful stamps...would love to have them. I hope I win! :) Love you work also. Have a great weekend! Blessings, Petie

  193. this is really a fantastic blog candy...
    I'm not surprised you already have almost 200 comments!!
    thanks for giving us a chance to win those fabulous stamps!

    Long life to your blog!

    hugs from France!!

  194. Just a quick post from me as internet is on/off every 5 mins..
    Told you, nothing to worry about sweetie!!
    I sure hope you are enjoying the ride and I'm with the fiddle fingered witch for the paper wish ;)
    Big hugs my darlin and speak soon,

    Marlene x

  195. Wondeful candy, so generous, have looked through your blog and you have beautiful cards and your colouring is fab. I am choosing therefore to become a follower. Pic of your candy with link is in my sidebar. Thank you for this chance. xx Doreen

  196. Wonderful candy Elaine, thank you for a chance to win, I've added a link to the Candy Box on my sidebar.

    Nicki, :0)

  197. Wow, fab candy Elaine. I have added as a follower as I would like to pop back to your blog. I have also posted your candy on my sidebar.
    Sharon xx

  198. oh my God... what an awesome candy!
    I'd love to death to win those!!
    Thanks for the chance!!
    I've added a pic on my blog linking back to yours!


  199. Hi Elaine, lovely candy, lovley blog!!! I am a new and happy followr, and have popped your candy on my sidebar, so everyone gets a chance x

    I have candy too!!!

    thanks and heres hoping............ Leigh x


Thank you for taking the time to leave me some love :)