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Monday, 12 July 2010

Waffle & A Birthday Card

There is a card below all this waffle, so please scroll down if you don't want to read my ramblings, otherwise make a brew first as it's gonna be a long one!
I thought I'd better post something today in case you all thought I was still wallowing in my own self pity and drowning in a sea of salty tears! Not so. Thank you everyone for all your comments, I know I'm not alone and reading some of the comments, there are a lot of you who work obscenely long hours. I think I was just overtired - still am overtired actually - and I needed a swift kick up the backside!

I have been experiencing some Blogger problems this past week, you know when you've visited someones blog and then you close it, and it opens again on it's own, then again and again etc? Well last week was a real nightmare, every blog I went on ,when I closed it would open again, but it was opening the same blog over and over again and so quickly that it crashed my laptop. That happened so many times that I just gave up in the end. I also had problems leaving comments, I kept getting an error message and error code, so please accept my apologies if I haven't left you a comment in the last few days.
And then over the weekend my laptop kept freezing, then turning itself off, so I've got my fingers crossed that it behaves tonight.
Lastly, before I get to the card, I went onto Craftwork Cards today to order my card blanks. I have always bought them from there and I love the quality of them. They used to be sold in 10's 25's 50's etc and I buy either 100 or 200 as the more you buy the better the price.Well now they only sell them in packs of 10 so to buy 100 will cost me £60, with my discount that's £54 but the last time I got 100 for £36. That's an £18 increase in price, a whopping 50% increase!! I was gobsmacked, so I emailed them and apparently they only sell them in 10's now. I was so miffed. I do love CWC and I've recommended them to anyone who's asked but 50% is a lot in my books. I think I shall have to have a little scout around for another supplier.
Right, onto the card, at long last I hear you cry!

One of our engineers asked if I'd make a card for his Mums birthday. At this point I usually cringe and politely decline. I hate making them when I don't know who I'm making the card for. But since Steve is such a lovely lad - I could quite happily adopt him as one of my own - then I couldn't say no.
Image is Whiff of Joy Melinda helping angel, DP is MME Quite Contrary, charm off Ebay. I had picked out some flowers to use on the front of the card, but by the time I'd got to this stage I didn't think it needed anything else.
I hope Steves Mum likes it!
Thanks for looking and for any comments you may leave, hope you've not nodded off with all my waffling!
Love Elaine xx


  1. Such a gorgeous card Elaine!!, love the image and your papers are fab!!
    Glad you have mentioned the card blanks, I too have always bought from them so I also will be looking for a new supplier. I think they will loose some customers now, how greedy are they!! :o(
    Take care hun, love Vicky xx

  2. Such a gorgeous card, Elaine! Love it! Have you checked out the Craftwork Cards back2basic range? The ones I have bought are HERE. I haven't bought anything other than their back2basic range, so can't compare, but they seem to have the same spec as the ones you usually buy. Hope you're having a great evening! Hugs, Sem x

  3. sorry, didn't understand what you have written to your card, but i can see the card, and elaine it is soooooo soooo wonderful, the colors... ahhhh love it!!

  4. So sweet, love the papers!
    Beautiful coloring. :)

  5. Wow Elaine that's quit a story. My English isn't that good but I think I understood most of it. At the moment I can't work, I've got a burn-out for a while now. But it's getting better bit by bit. So take real good care of yourself!!!
    Your card is absolutely gorgeous, can't help but I just love it! The paper is great and the way your coloured it, wow...
    hugs Yvonne

  6. Hi elaine wide awake and loving the card think the papers are stunning and love the colours you have picked out of the paper to colour the image. Seems Blogger has been playing up with most people lately so you are not on your own. Hope you are feeling better. I hate getting too tired but this is a regular thing for me doesnt take much at my tender age. lol. Well thanks for sharing hugs Sue xx

  7. So sad to hear of you blogger problems, Have a little problem right now too so hope this one goes through...
    Not looking good as for my Magnolia trip right now.. as he ordered a cabin not on the rout trough Borås. But I haven't given up just yet..

    Looooooooove your card!!!

    Hugs and kisses!!

  8. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! What a beautiful image and sentiment. Your papers are jusy stunning too! I loove this card! And hoping your PC behaves itself !!

    Hugs to you!
    Judy xx

  9. I love your card, those papers are super pretty and I'm sure Steve and his mother will both love it!!
    Sorry to hear about the enormous rip-off your cards now are! Hope you do manage to find a different supplier... rest up ♥

  10. it is lovely, I think she will like it, sweet of you to make it for him!
    hugs, hang in there ..... better days are ahead ... I hope!

  11. Your card is beautiful Elaine. I do hope you get your problems sorted soon. I get my cards from Never had any problems and reasonably priced!

  12. The card is really pretty and the image is adorable.
    Wow, that's a price rise! Hope you can find a new supplier before you run out!

  13. Well Elaine, I took your advice after the first line, and made myself a cuppa before sitting down to read.
    Seems you've been having lots of problems lately, thankfully I've not had any problems of late, fingers crossed it stays that way.

    I know what you mean about making a card for someone else when you don't know them. I was asked to make a retirement card for my stepdaughter's boyfriends friend who was retiring, and they wanted it an A4 size, never did one that size before, and I had to leave enough room inside for all their comments. Apparently he was over the moon with what I had done, but it was so nerve wracking making it, cause you never know if they are going to like it.

    I'm sure Steve's mum will love it, as it's very bright and cheery with those papers and your coloring is outstanding. Hope you have a lovely week.
    Donna xx

  14. First of all BIG BREATHS (and I'm only 15, you'll get the reference if you like Carry On films) we will be here so don't stress about leaving comments. Secondly we all have days, weeks, years like this but we are here for you to blow off some steam (well I am anyway) and thirdly why did you wait so long to enter blogland with your beautiful creations. You're right the card needs nothing else. It's perfect and I'm sure Steve's mum will love it.

  15. Hi Elaine
    A gorgeous card,beautiful paper's,
    Hugs Dianne xx

  16. Love this card Elaine but I'm afraid I haven't quite lived up to my promise of making a card and updating my blog :( but... I did buy a BBQ and weed the garden - not quite crafting but something not work related at least!! I get my card blanks from -the lady there is lovely and everything is very reasonably priced. Natasha x x

  17. This is delightful Elaine - the papers are amazing & I love your pearly corners. Hope you get your cards sourced - I hate it when companies do that - they don't deserve our custom, if they're worth their salt they'd suggest they continue to supply you at the old rate & give you a special deal as a valued customer. Oops - better get off the soapbox - & that wasn't waffle - just telling how it is - which we all need to do. Take care of yourself.
    Much love
    Paula (PEP)

  18. Hi Elaine,
    wonderful and great card you made I love your papers and your coloring is great
    hugs Lia

  19. It's lovely as it is - sometimes people tend to use flowers as a must - here they are not needed IMHO. Lovely card - sure she must love it. Thanks for sharing

  20. Hi Hun, it's gorgeous and she will truly adore it, love your charm, papers layout well everything really, gorgeous colouring again,I tend to buy card and make my own cards as you can alter the size etc so I can't help you on that one sorry,will mail you soon, hugs Liz xx

  21. I'm sure she'll love it, I know I do! The papers are gorgeous and the sentiment is perfect for a mum!! Susie x

  22. Oh wow Elaine! It's lovely. Adore those DP's. That's shocking about CWC my local craft store sell CWC in packs of 50 for €10 each. Scallop and plain. I've run out now so heading out today for more. I just checked online and the cards I get are £6.50 for 50. What one's were you getting?

  23. First off gorgeous card Elaine, I'm sure Steve's Mum will love it.
    First Mr Blogger has been having probs with comments. Now cascading opening of the same blog page was a problem I got with IE, so I've changed to Firefox and problem solved.
    Hope you find a supplier for the card, I make my own using card stock from Craft Creations but usually there's three of us so we get it real cheap.

  24. Gorgeous card, Elaine. I've been having the error code when trying to leave comments to and its driving me crazy, lol. I totally agree with you about the HUGE price increase. It seems very unreasonable and not very supportive of loyal customers
    Suzanne x

  25. Hi Elaine, it sounds as though you might have a bug on your laptop its a bit strange it should keep doing that, I usually do my commenting in Firefox so not had any problems.
    Also I buy my card stock as a A3 and cut it down to whatever size I want, and I get it from Ebay.
    Fabulous card by the way, love those papers they are so pretty. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  26. Hi Elaine.

    Lovely card. This image is lovely. Gorgeous colours and the papers are just WOW.

    What was your Laptop playing at! Very strange. I'd do a malware scan or a virus scan just to be sure. I hate it when things happen to my PC. Glad I have Stephen around who is a whiz at sorting them out (being as its his job) hehe.

    Hope yours plays nicely.



    p.s. I got my security clearance for the Prison today - All excited for my first day on Thursday :)

  27. very nice card Elaine, I love the papers and your coloring
    and don't forget..chin up girl...


  28. O.K anything for a friend, bend over here comes the swift kick up the jacksy lol.

    Hun your card is absolutely gorgeous, so pretty, and your colouring and shading is beautiful. Steve and his mum will be thrilled with this.

    The 50% increase is ridiculous for card blanks, there's no way they can justify that
    hugs Mandy xx

  29. Gorgeous card Elaine, love this image and she is coloured beautifully. Love Kerry xx

  30. Lovely card, I'd be chuffed to bits to receive a card like that :o)
    I buy my card as A4 sheets from The Paper Mill Shop and cut to whatever size I want to use. If you don't have one near by I beleive they now have a website that you can order from

  31. Hi Elaine,
    Bend over... promise I'll be gentle with you LOL!!! I have no room to talk as you well know!!
    Gorgeous card and definitely better without additional flowers as the paper is fabulous itself.
    Re craftworkcards, I too buy from them, but as an earlier commenter mentioned, I get from their back2basics range and find it ok for what I need. That is an awful price increase- totally unjustified. As the saying goes... Dick Turpin at least wore a mask LOL!!!
    Take care, my friend.
    Trish x

  32. Dear Elaine, a beautiful card and they will like the mother for sure.
    At that price I can only say that certain species have also become very expensive and scarce.
    This will also increase the price of paper.
    I always look at flea markets for watercolor paper or old photo albums, and cut and cut it so my cards. These are not pure white, and the stamps will be great if I stemple with StazOn.
    I wish you a nice relaxing weekend and friends are there to listen to or even less pleasant things to read.

    P.S.: Your Followers link is out

  33. Hi Elaine
    sorry I have been awol for the last week, but we went to Norfolk and our mobile network (I think that's what you call it ?) would not work. Anyway enough excuses, love your card, and I know that Steve's mum will love it too, you better watch out as I bet you will get loads of order's now. I think craftwork cards need to think again, or they will lose a lot of their loyal customers, possibily in the short term they may be quids in, but long term they wont be, and customers WILL go elsewhere. Sorry to hear about your computer (after this last week I know how you feel), my laptop almost went through the window on wednesday lol.
    Sandra (craftynan)

  34. Hi Elaine stunning creation love the image ...your right bout the flowers this DP is gorgeous cant cut into mine just stroke it then put it back till I get some more to cut into...rofl..know what you mean re multi blogs popping up
    mine does the same quite a bit..I close the comp. off then re boot.. think its just Blogger being bad all the time...he must be on overtime the amount of peeps in blog land..LOL..

    Hugs Christine xx

  35. Arghh! don't you just hate it when a company does that! It drives me bonkers lol
    This card is gorgeous ,i'm sure steves mom will love it!
    fiona x

  36. Oh Elaine, I hadn't noticed they'd stopped selling their blanks in bulk. Since they introduced the back to basics range I've stopped buying their stardust, plain and simple etc. The cards are just as good quality. Nice smooth finish, but you don't get the shimmer of the startdust range etc.

    Love the card, as always!

  37. Fabulous card Elaine. This is one stamp I keep meaning to get but haven't yet. Love the saying that you put with it. I'm sure she loved it very much.


Thank you for taking the time to leave me some love :)