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Wednesday 10 November 2010

Simply Sassy Fairytale

Oh I do so love these Simply Sassy stamps - even though they do have a lot of hair! I know they're going to be available to buy very soon from Funky Kits and I'm quite sure that Karen will be offering a sweet deal on these.
This one is called Fairytale...

Ain't she sweet? I followed an old Sugar Bowl sketch, as I quite often do. This was sketch number 39 from Lilian and I love this sketch. It really makes the image the focal point and requires little else in my opinion.
I tried to colour her in more delicate shades to go with the pastel papers. DP's are another set of Dream Street Papers from Jill at The Hobby House. 

Blimey, hasn't the weather turned cold? Today I have been chilled to the bone!
The building my office is in is an old church, and I'm upstairs at the side of what was the chapel, so it's a cold building anyway, but I love my little office, there's only me works in there and the temperature is hot, hot, hot! Someone says my office is the temperature of Barbados, and that's the way I like it. But not today.
(For those who don't know, modern aircon heats as well as cools, except in my office where I only ever have it on heat)
Today the aircon wouldn't work and it was freezing cold. I only took my coat off to put on a cardigan and a body warmer then put my coat back on top! Anyone know any good aircon engineers? Cos the sods I work for wouldn't come in and sort it out! So I've told them that tomorrow I shall bring in a flask...of hot gluhwein and Amaretto, I might not get much work done but I'll be warm (and happy). Well, 'tis the season for it...almost!

Hope you're all warm and happy wherever you are!
Thanks for looking and for any comments you may leave.
Love Elaine xx


  1. Oh she is just gorgeous dear. I so love your coloring and the layout is gorgeous and I know Karen will love it too. Your so right these images are just breath taking. Hugs dear

  2. oh Elaine this is so beautiful huni and i love the sketch too.Beautifully coloured as always and very pretty papers.I too have been freezing all day i think we might be in for a very cold winter so we best wrap up warm xx

  3. Hi Elaine
    A gorgeous card,fabulous image,
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  4. This is beautiful! Love how you've colored her! Can't wiat to get my hands on this one, she is my fav!

  5. Oh Elaine - sounds dreadful. Cold here too but we have storage heaters & Sanit R checks the forecast each night & sets the settings accordingly. Especially good if I'm needed to do anything - too cold & my body shuts down & I go to sleep - even in summer. Now to the job in hand of commenting - you've really surpassed yourself with this one - that hair is INCREDIBLE. An absolutely brilliant showcasing & the papers are so right for her.
    Paula (PEP)

  6. wow Elaine this is gorgeous!beautiful paper's and coloured image :)
    hugs amanda xx

  7. Beautiful card Elaine she is gorgeous and the colouring of the hair is stunning love the sketch layout and these DP are beautiful another fabulous make chum!! hope your wee office is warmer for you tomorrow, keep safe and warm my friend Hugs
    Sarah xx

  8. oh Elaine, I feel for you being in a cold office all day. I've had the heating on all day and only turned it off at 11 tonight. I absolutely love your card, it's stunning. Boy Karen is a lucky lady having you on her team, your coloring skills are absolutely fabulous and you really show off these beauties to their best.
    Enjoy your flask at work tomorrow
    Donna xx

  9. It's getting colder here too. I don't know what that concoction is you mentioned but I bet it is good! I am really impressed with your hair, it has such beautiful contrast. Beautiful card!

  10. Would I be correct in assuming we went from St. to sod? I hope you are warmer tomorrow. Maybe icy feet on Phil's backside will remind him?LOL! Love your sweet little card and I am loving those new sugars....Oh, Santa Steve had best be listening to all my hints!

  11. Oh so pretty Elaine! I really love this one!! She is gorgeous and you colored her to perfection!
    Hugs, Dena

  12. Oooo Elaine, another stunner Sweetie!! Your colouring is just brilliant as always and the sketch is fab! I agree with you, nothing else needed as the image speaks for itself. How horrid that you've been freezing all day, I wouldn't have been able to stick around if I were so cold hehe! It's really chills here too but I have my heating up high so it's like summer in my house lol! Hope they get it sorted for you tomorrow. Lotsa luv xxxxx

  13. Can't wait to get more sassy girls they are all so fab and love this one, you stay warm , put on some thermals and enjoy your gluvein.

  14. Oh you should bring a blanket to work sweetie :)
    Love your card as you already know! So love your pastel coloring and your shading is awesome!
    Have a nice day at work and hopefully your not to cold. You said your husband work at the same place, then you need to tell him he has to come give you a hug once in while so you can keep warm :)

  15. a beautiful card hun, and i agree with you she takes center stage and doesn't need any thing else.. you have coloured her beautifully

  16. Hi Elaine
    luvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv your card, image is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty, and as for those scrummy paper's I purchased these at the Ally Pallly show, BUT so far have not been able to bring myself to cut in to them lol.

    You said that you were cold today, BUT I was freezing. On Friday night (6pm) some tealeafs decided to cut the leccy cable's at the local mushroom farm, throwing all the local's in to darkness. We didn't get the electric put back on to the next day. They had to hire in an emergency generator, it has to be a HEAVY LARGE generator (A) because of the amount of consumer's and (B) because in a lot of case's the tealeaf's come back and nick the generator when everyone is tucked up in bed (can you adam & eve it). Yesterday I was all tucked up cozily in my craft room, and the leccy went off again. I went out to enquire how long it was going to be off for, and was told 30 min's luv. The engineer said your neighbour's have complained that the generator is too noisy, so we have got to move it. 3 hour's later the electric was restored, my hand's & feet were blue with the cold, my glasses kept steaming up as I was trying to colour in. It didn't help as the weather outside was SO COLD here. Hope you get your's fixed, if not tell them that you are not going to work till it is.
    Sandra (craftynan)

  17. Gorgeous card. Hope you get the heating fixed soon. I am a cold person, lol and I like the heating to be on full and plenty layers of woolly clothes too x

  18. Hi Elaine, hope youve had a warmer day then yesterday, fabulous card love the colouring and the papers are gorgeous. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  19. This is so beautiful, and I just gotta say I love the way you shade the stamps around, its a beautiful color!

  20. Simply devine darlin!!!
    Love the Sassy's too and due to my lack of blogging/creating only just got the bug for them ;-)
    Big hugs, Marlene x

  21. Hi Hun, oh you do make me laugh, I'll have visions of you wrapped up like an Eskimo now, probably being blown away with the wind too, isn't it awful?
    Love your card hun, I love this sketch too and as usual your colourings perfect (so jealous lol)
    Back to your work, tell them your on strike till they mend it, lol !!!!
    have fun,and a lovely weekend, hugs Liz xx

  22. Hi Elaine, This is simply gorgeous. Love the colouring of that cute sassy girl.

  23. Hi Elaine,
    ooh the cold ain't it awful our blooming heating has gone on the blink here i'm permanently walking around with my fleecy dressing gown over me clothes so i understand how you feel missus!!!
    you have made a wonderful card and i know i'm like a parrot but you do colour hair so well, fantastic card x
    warm snuggly hugs
    Suzie Qx

  24. Elaine hi chum I have some Candy on my blog so when you have time pop over chum, have already left comments on this card but will say it again it's stunning!!!!! lots Hugs
    Sarah xx

  25. Gorgeous card. I've still got my eye on these stamps. Patiently waiting for the end of the month to buy two or three of the ones which are my favourites!
    Lovely layout - so simple yet stands out so well! I'm jealous of your mastery of the DIs. I always end up with bleeding images! Not good!

    Kimmi xx

  26. I surely do love the way you've colored her. Her hair is amazing...who would have thought that so light/little color would turn out such wonderful results? Stunning!


  27. Gorgeous card, I LOVE the way you've coloured the image - wow!
    I'm at my parents and I really miss my coal fire, central heating hasn't got a kick like a real fire.

  28. Oh hun this is such a gorgeous card, I am so jealous of your colouring, it's always amazing, are you fed up with me saying that lol.
    Hope your office is nice and warm again, it's freezing here
    hugs Mandy xx

  29. Hi Elaine,
    Fabulous card and these new Sassy images are gorgeous. Colouring fabulous as always.


Thank you for taking the time to leave me some love :)