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Tuesday 6 March 2012

Catchin' Up, Cats and Stamps.

Sheesh it's been a long time since I was here!

For those of you who wondered where I've been...nowhere. It's just been another hectic few weeks at work.
I am so darn tired that my mojo has packed its bags and gone looking for somewhere else to live. We've also had a few weekends which have been taken up with visitors or visiting, and weekends are my only playtime!
I have nothing in the way of cards to I thought I would fill you in on other bits 'n' pieces of what's been going on here. Feel free to not read any further!

We have had two cats, Bart and Lisa (yes, the kiddo's watched the Simpsons and named the cats)
Bart is actually a girl...long story but she is a girl and almost 13 years old. Lisa (aka The Killer, Tigger, and most frequently Naughty Pussy) is 4 years old.
My cats are very well looked after and totally adored and I was devastated when Bart passed away.
There was no indication that was poorly, she'd eaten as usual, been in the garden chasing leaves as usual, had 'tummy tickles' and she lay down in her favourite spot on the bedroom carpet for an afternoon nap.
I was in the spare room turning on my laptop when I heard a noise like a sneeze or a cough, I heard it again so I got up to see what the noise was and Bart had died, as quick as that.
I am very thankful that it was quick and she was at home, it was just such a shock.

Bart on her Christmas blankie.

Just to make me feel really terrible, a fortnight ago I was discussing the new Tim Holtz Distress Markers with Karen (Mrs Funkykits) and I asked Karen if she fancied a swap? She could send me a complete set of the markers and I would send her one husband, one son and two cats in return. She didn't take me up on my kind offer, but I really was only joking..I would never swap my cats for anything.

On the subject of my missing mojo...I went looking for it in my craft room, figuring it was just hiding somewhere between the rubber and papers. No, it's definitely gone :(
But I did find other stuff lots of unused stamps! I figure if I have more than a dozen stamps off one particular company that I've never inked then I ought not to buy anymore of them!

Stampin' Up....I love SU products, particularly the sentiments, and I did intend to write a bit about SU, but I fear this post is long enough to be turned into a mini series already, so I'll save it for another day.
If you've read this far then you're either very bored, an insomniac or my best buddy so I'll leave you with this...
A set of brand new SU stamps, Swirls and Curls. This is a Hostess set which I got multiple packs of so maybe someone else would like to give this pack a home.
These are rubber stamps pre-mounted on foam and they come in a clear DVD type case.
There are 5 stamps: Congratulations, Thanks So Much, Happy Birthday, Thinking Of You and Hello.
If you want them to come and live with you please mention it in a comment after this post.

Thanks for looking


  1. oh Elaine....poor Bart...and least she didn't suffer!! Hope you are ok!!

    Those stamps are fab...


  2. I don't know that I ever saw a picture of Bart, she was very pretty and a tuxedo cat like my Lucy. I figure I am a best buddy since I read your entire post and I would like the stamps cause they are cute and you said they fit in a cd case which means they aren't wood mounted (shipping you know!). Enjoyed the phone call on Sunday, hope Hal is feeling better! Ha ha!

  3. Hi Elaine,
    I am so sorry to hear you lovely cat Bart passed away. It is a sad thing when an animal who is part of your family leaves. You are so kind to be giving away these stamps. If you have a spare I would love to recieve it. If not - no matter..
    Have a good day.

  4. Well Elaine, I'm not an insomniac and I'm very seldom bored so I'm thinking a good buddy :) Thanks for the chance to win the stamps. So sorry about your cat. It's so difficult to lose one of our furry family members.

  5. Oh hunny I am so sorry to hear about your loss of your fur baby, what a flipping shock for you Elaine.
    Yes I read all the way to the end and I'll be your best buddy lol
    big hugs Mandy xx

  6. Hiya there Elaine,

    How are you?Daft question you just told me in your post!

    So sorry that Bart has gone to the cattery in the Sky.

    You will miss her...big hugs

    I could help you find a Mojito cocktail and maybe after 2 or 3 then a treasure hunt for you Mojo?

    Hope you find it soon - I will get my mojo detector out and see if it is on it's Hoildays here in Scotland- ok hunny?

    I would like to rehome some of your stamps hunny- Don't tell hubby he had a dislike for Rubba!
    Why because - you can't eat it or cook it------nnnnoooooo he will not under any circumstances cook and melt my Rubba hee hee!

    Hope you feel better and revived and relaxed soon hunny-Happy mojo hunting.

    Take care
    Big Hugs

  7. Hi Elaine, so sorry to hear about your loss, she looks like a beautiful cat. I hope things calm down a bit for you and you manage to find your mojo again. Love these pretty sentiment stamps and I would happily give them a new home. Hope you are well
    Lindsay xx

  8. hi sweetie i love reading your posts they are fab and really fun i think this is a great set of stamps hun i would love to use them,your kitty is so adorable wrapped in his blankie bless xx

  9. Hi Elaine,
    Seems like your mojo and mine have gone to the same place.

    So sorry to hear that Bart passed away, at least she was with a family that adored her and spoilt her rotten.

    Oh and I would love to give your stamps a new home.
    Hugs Sharon x

  10. Oh, I'd so love to give these stamps a new home! I have very little stamping up. This would be a great start.

  11. Sorry to hear about your cat - it is always sad to lose a pet - but no suffering must be a good thing.
    The stamp set looks most useful, and thank you for the chance to win it.

  12. Hi Elaine!
    So sorry to hear about your beloved kitty dying :( hopefully there is a nice big bowl of fish waiting for her in a better place :)
    We don't have Stampin Up! here in Ireland so I would LOVE to give these stamps a new home. Please add my name to the draw.
    Thanks so much,
    Fiona L x
    Ps. Ive also lost my MoJo, i think it ran away! Maybe it's the time of year? Maybe they have gone on Mojo holiday? lol

  13. Don't need the stamps, but just wanted you to know that you are in my prayers. I think your and my MOJO went to Amanda's house!

  14. Oh Elaine,so sorry for your lost,I know what your feeling!
    Here's a big cyber hug for you!

  15. Hi Elaine
    Glad your cat is ok and i would love to be in your draw for these stamps
    Hugs Dianne xx :0

  16. Hi Elaine
    I'm so sorry to hear about Bart, what a shock for you & your family. I'm glad for your sake that she died at home, but at the end of the day nothing make's it any easier. Our last very loved cat was run over, (he was the second one we had lost from being run over), the whole family went into mourning for month's, and I said that's it I'm not having any more cat's, as it's too painful when something happen's to them.
    Sandra (craftynan)

  17. Oh how pretty kitty ♥♥♥ So sorry for you sweetie♥

  18. So sorry to hear about Bart. It was really lucky that it was at home, since cats wander a lot, she might have just disappeared. Its still sad when a pet dies, sending you a big hug.

    Love, Anne.
    P.S. I`d love to adopt your neglected stamps. ;)

  19. Hi Sweetie.... well we've certainly been missing you - and your fabulous creations.... but totally understand why you've been MIA.

    Although the first part of your post was sad.... you always make me smile... and no I'm not an insomniac but I did get to the end of it! Think my mojo is somewhere in the Bahamas with yours and quite a few others from what I read on the blogs...

    And I'd love to be considered to adopt and give a new home to the SU set..

    Now...... are you getting over to the show in a couple of weeks???

    Christine x

  20. oh i am so sorry to hear about Bart .. i am a cat lover - and know what its like when you lose one.
    But she had a good life ..
    Take care and hope life slpws down just a little
    Lisa x

  21. Awww sweetie I am sorry to read this, but like you say she was home, still very sad (((((HUGS)))))

  22. aw elaine i am sorry to hear about the loss of your cat, so sad its no wonder your mojo has done a runner.heres hoping it comes back soon.
    take care.

    xx coops xx

  23. Glad you were at home when Bart slipped away & it was peaceful & painless. Take care of yourself & give yourself time - Mojo is probably lurking under a cushion or something just waiting to pounce when things have settled down somewhat.
    Much love from me - I would of course love to rehome the SU set but have my hands full with other things at present so I think they had better go to someone else.
    Hope everyone else in the family is fine.
    Much love
    Paula (PEP)

  24. Hi Elaine,
    Sorry to hear about Bart, she was lovely, well loved and had a wonderful life with you, and her memories will live on with you,
    take care,
    hugs and kisses
    Heather & Bronwyn x x

  25. Hi Elaine,
    I'm so sorry to hear about Bart. I know how you must be feeling, i have 4 of my own and i love them all very much. Good thing she didn't suffer. Hope you can give it a place.
    And don't bother your mojo has gone, it will come back soon enough and we can all watch your beautiful creations again.
    Hugs, Yvon

  26. Hi Sweetie (daughter) I can see your still having problems, you know how much you mean to me, I do hope you soon feel a lot better. Love those sentiment stamps they really are lovely, I love the swirls on them. hugs Shirleyxxx

  27. Elaine I'm so very sorry to hear about Bart. Nothing worse than losing a beloved pet ... When you find your MOJO maybe you could let me know where he was hiding & maybe mines in the same place. I just can't seem to find it anywhere.

  28. So sorry to hear about Bart's passing Elaine! Lots of hugs to you! Good thing he didn't suffer but it must be quite a shock because you didn't see it coming. Hope you wil give Lisa extra cuddles since she probebly misses her pall. Hope your mojo gets back soon. I would love to give this wonderful sentiments set a new home! My sentiments stash is a bit small, I don't have really pretty ones like this! Btw, I also have some candy on my blog, maybe you would like to enter since you are usually the one giving things away, lol! Hugs, Hanneke

  29. Elaine! Girl! I am so sorry about Bart! Awe! That makes me so sad. But he was loved till the very end which is wonderful!! I have a kitty too, "Sunshine", she is 14 and diebetic so she gets shots twice a day. Poor baby.
    I would love to see you have a play with the TH markers, I bet you will work magic!!!
    Good to hear from you!


  30. Oh sweetie, so sad to hear your news and I have to admit now being a puppy owner that the end bit scares the hell out of me. No wonder your mojo is missing, Bart was a family member and will take time hun.
    Take care.
    Hugs Tracy x

  31. I'm sorry to hear about Bart; at least she didn't suffer. I hope you are not in too much shock.

    Hope you find your mojo soon; I miss seeing your coloring:0)

    Thanks for the chance at those awesome sentiment stamps!


  32. Hi sweet friend so sorry bout Bart poor pussy at least like you say you were at home when it for your mojo goes think its on hols with least mine does return home to get fed & watered then buggers off again..dont apologise for LIFE getting in the way of blogging thats the way it goes some times..
    lol not sure if I am going to Harrogate meself..prob. in Sept..take care speak soon..

    smiles Christine xx

    ps get some more lottery tickets bought,

  33. Hi Elaine

    I so feel for your loss - poor little Bart - but its blessed that it was quick and there was no suffering for her.

    I wouldn't know what to do if I lost my little friend - gulp! No need for the stamps, just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear about Bart.

    Take care

    Hazel x

  34. What can I say, I am so sorry about your poor little Bart. At least she didn't suffer and was close to you in a favourite place at the end. No wonder your mojo has gone hunny.
    Just you take care and cuddle Lisa - I did find when my cat died suddenly having another cat around really helped.

    Big hugs to you Ali x

  35. Aw Elaine, so sorry to hear about Bart. I too have a cat who's 13...just found a little lump on here face that I need to get checked out...they are such a worry aren't they. To live to 13 shows how much love and attention you'd given her though and I'm so glad it was quick when she passed.

    Gorgeous stamps hun, so nice of you to think of others while things aren't going so great for yourself. Love n hugs Del xx

  36. Oh sweetie I'm just on catching up with everyone & I never knew I missed this post. I'm so soooo sorry about Bart I really am, its a good thing it was quick no animal deserves to suffer. Gosh I really am so sorry hun & I feel awful I havnt seen this post sooner.
    Hope you are ok shug I'm sending you huge hugs sweetie, if you put your right hand on your left shoulder & your left hand on your right shoulder thats a hug especially for you from me hun.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  37. i'm so sorry to hear (or better: read) about poor Bart!! I wish all my cats would have died like this, it's the most wonderful gift they can give you. Just pass away with no pain and suffering.
    She is in Cat Heaven now, waiting for her friend and she surely is very happy to have been part of your family.
    Hope you'll have some time for yourself soon!
    Big hug, Alessandra

  38. Ooohhh Elaine, I'm sorry, I missed this one..... so sorry that your cat passed away but I'm glad for her ánd you that it went quickly without pain.... take care..

    gr. arjette.

  39. Oh my goodness Elaine, I am so so sorry to hear about Bart. Im sorry Im only coming to you now, Ive been MIA with decorating and trying to sort out my tip of a craft room, which, by the way is still a tip! Apparently it needs to get worse before it gets better! Well, at least you know Bart lived a very happy and pampered life. And by the sounds of it, it was so quick there would have been nothing you could have done to prevent it. At least it was quick for her. I dont know what I would do without our wee Nimbus. She runs our life, is a spoilt little madam but I wouldnt be without her. Im sure Lisa will miss Bart. I hope you are ok. Lee x

  40. Hi Elaine.. sorry to hear about Bart, it must have been such a shock for you. xxx
    Sorry I have been MIA quite a lot lately due to bedroom and other things. Hope Mojo turns up soon.
    xxx Mau

  41. Gosh Elaine, I have only just read this and feel for you so much. I lost 2 of my cats within a month of one another, they went in exactly the same way you described one mid december and one mid january, they were my babies, I hand reared them from a litter my Saffie had and having had 5 at one time I am now down to just Saffie so my heart goes out to you.


Thank you for taking the time to leave me some love :)