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Friday, 26 November 2010

hAnglar and stAnglar Christmas Candy Number 2

This post will stay at the top. Please scroll down for any newer posts, thank you.

I've heard from Patty which kit she would like, and I must say that Patty has exceptionally good taste and has chosen kit number 7, the chubby fairies.
So I can now get the second candy posted here. I've chosen to put kit 17 on next, only because they are Christmas stamps and it is getting rather close to Christmas. With a bit of luck whoever wins them will get them in time to have a little play before the season is upon us.

As always, this is a brand new set of unmounted stamps.

In order to enter you must be a follower, the only exception is for my regular non blogging buddies - yep Sandra, that's you again, and my regular emailers - yep Pamela that's you!
You can post my candy on your blog if you so wish, but it's not a requirement in order to enter. I know some peeps don't like to fill their sidebars up with candy.
Candy is open worldwide, I will mark as a gift but I am not liable for any customs/duties that some countries impose.
To enter, please click on the blue froggy (if I have worked out how to do it!) I'm not sure how you can use the froggy if you don't have a blog. I read somewhere that you can still add your name, but leave your email address in place of your blog address? Please let me know if you have any problems at all.

Thanks for looking and good luck everyone.
Love Elaine xx

hAnglar & stAnglar Christmas Candy Number 2

1. Ronda  38. julye  75. *Ang*  
2. jenn zeeb  39. Janette  76. Jane Hambly  
3. Erika  40. Suzanne C.  77. Deb Mitchell  
4. Suzanne  41. Anne  78. Mandy  
5. Sandra ltb  42. Donna  79. Denimo  
6. Maria Therese  43. Aunty Sue  80. Lynne  
7. Christine (blankiefinder)  44. Renata  81. Denise G  
8. Dianne  45. Cathy  82. Chrissyxx  
9. Sian  46. Lelia Pierce  83. Moni  
10. Sue Lumber  47. Mummylade  84. Krista V  
11. Kiki  48. Jo  85. Stampersue  
12. Marie  49. LorraineM  86. Frea  
13. Carol  50. Judy  87. heidi  
14. Tracy Payne  51. Carissa  88. Denise  
15. denny  52. Rebecca  89. Liz Marsden  
16. Pamela  53. Andrea Reid  90. ~ Ali ~  
17. wendy  54. kelly k  91. terrividreader  
18. Lorraine  55. sarah rose  92. Laney  
19. Paola Levi  56. Yvonne  93. lalkygirl  
20. Marushy  57. debbi  94. Maureen  
21. Debbie B  58. Pat Frank  95. Lia  
22. Suzie Q  59. Semsee  96. mandy  
23. Tilly Trotter  60. CarolJenks  97. Janet R  
24. Donalda  61. Sammibug  98. Tracy NZ  
25. angelique  62. Linda W.....  99. Linda Goble  
26. Christine Craig  63. Jean H*  100. Samantha Ball  
27. Casper  64. Pamela  101. Lesley at Grenouille Greetings  
28. Sarah  65. Jacqui P  102. Fiona Lawlor  
29. jackie  66. Kimmi  103. Kathleen  
30. Dena  67. tracy kedney  104. Troy. P  
31. Deana  68. Renate  105. sequin  
32. Aussie Loz  69. Barb Hardeman  106. Janice  
33. Lisa Summerhays  70. Janie Printz  107. khalinne  
34. Priyanka  71. MarieL  108. Monique H  
35. Susie  72. Dragonlady  109. Renkata  
36. Marion H  73. Tonje B.  110. Julie Ann H  
37. JudeB  74. Brigadier  111. Jeanette ♥  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. yep I stuck yahoo in there - thanks Elaine!
    I can not believe you don't like these cuties! But I guess that is what makes the world go round .... all of our differences!
    Take care and thanks for the fun!

  2. I'll try my luck on this one as this is the one of the two sets I like ♥ The other one is the same as the one you like :) You know I like banners (haha) and the cute santa hats.

  3. These are so adorable, Elaine! You are amazingly kind to give all of us a chance to win! Thanks so much!

  4. Hi Elaine
    Gorgeous stamps,
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  5. I'e just joined as a follower, I really thought I was one already - strange, I must have subscribed before. Anyway, thanks for having another blog candy, you're very generous.

  6. Oooo, thanks for your generosity Elaine!! I soooo luv hAnglers and it's so sad that we can't buy them freely here. Would luv to win them, this is such a gorgeous set. Thank you Sweetie. Lotsa luv xxxx

  7. Hi Elaine, I can't help you on the blue froggy thing I'm afraid. Gorgeous candy as usual. Hugs Tracy x

  8. As the non-blogging, voracious e-mailer noted above... I can attest that the blue froggy does let me add my name if I put my e-mail instead of my non-existent blog address! :)

    Thanks for the chance for to win such yummy (low calorie!) blog candy Elaine!

  9. Hi Elaine whats this i see a froggy linky thingy lol so pleased you managed to get it up on your blog hun and gosh another gorgeous candy up for grabs thankyou so much for the chance of winning.Number 15 plz mr froggy lol
    thanks Elaine and have a good evening xx

  10. ME ME ME Mr Frog! this is the best of all, saved for last. have added your candy to my sidebar, you may wanna try out for my candy too if you visit me Elaine. Thanks for the chance

  11. Thank you for the chance to win such super candy Elaine, you are a star. Debbiexx

  12. Oh my goodness thought this would have been the 1st to go!!!
    fingies crossed fingies crossed, how i love you Mr Froggy is it ok to call you Kermie - miss piggy here i will give you a nice big kissie if you pick me - if you don't you will get a piggy pork chop - hi ya!!
    Thanks Elaine for chance to win such generous candy and well done you installing Mr Froggy not so technophobe now eh!! lol
    Suzie qx

  13. thanks for the chance to win this FAB candy--------- been a follower for ages and always love to visit
    Tilly x

  14. Looks like I came to visit again at the right time lol Just Hope you are doing well

  15. Hi Elaine thanks so much for the chance for some Gold Dust ooppps sorry stamp candy..wellll it is rather special..
    as for the Blue Froggy see I told you it was easy peasy..LOL

    smiles Christine xx

  16. oooohhh my goodness, you have a blue froggy!

    Thanks for a chance to win your generous candy.

    Will miss your raffle tv but hey blue froggy help you a lot me thinks!

    Take care
    Big Hugs

  17. Hi Elaine chum, this set is beautiful they all are, but must say Kit 7 chubby fairies were adorable, thanks for another chance to win these cuties!!! off to pop your pic and details on my sidebar chum!!! hope you and yours are well!!!
    Sarah xx

  18. Bet your Son is soooo disapointed not to be helping out this again Elaine for the chance to win the yummy hanglar stamps...hugs Jackie xx

  19. Elaine! Pick me, pick me, pick me!!! My hand is raised!! haha! You are so sweet to offer these cuties!
    Hugs, Dena

  20. I think these ones are my favourites.. but I'm a major sucker for all things Christmas! Thanks so much for the chance to win ♥

  21. Patty DEFINITELY has great taste - I think I'm gonna have to stalk ebay for a set of those chubby fairies!! (That's in addition to the new Sugar Nellies and LOTV ones I like.....!!) Anyway, thank you so much for the chance to win, Elaine. Susie x

  22. Thanks for the chance at this adorable kit Elaine. It is so very generous of you.

  23. Oh WOW! I'd love to win these, they're adorable. Thanks for the chance.


    Judi xx

  24. Now will Hal be happily dancing with a frog in his hands - not if he's like St R - I'm the one who deals with the frogs & toads. This is great - means I can comment to my hearts content without any danger..............wink! wink! Mind you I know they & Tilda are definitely stalking me.......... Now if anyone reads this they'll have more questions than answers....... so where do I stand?? On the fence!! Who put the brandy in the coffee this morning? Better stop filling your comments box & stop procrastinating & tackle the photo uploading/indentering thing. Hope you're warmer.
    Paula (PEP)

  25. I'd love to win these adorable stamps. Thank you for the chance, you are very generous!

  26. Ah Elaine, you found the blue froggy, and put him to use. I'd love to win this set, and they would certainly be put to good use on my Christmas cards. Thank you for the chance to win these cuties.
    Donna xx

  27. Hi Elaine I am so far behind with Christmas but I am sure this would kick start me back nto action. Hugs Sue xx

  28. What a sweetie! Thanks so much for another opportunity, Elaine! I don't have any of these babies yet, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Congrats again to Patty! :O)


  29. Gorgeous stamps - would make the perfect cards.

  30. Now this is the set I soooo wanted and missed out on e-bay. So I will thank you kindly for offering this up as a give-away! You really are the sweetest! This is my favourite-est set so far!

    Hugs Judy xx

  31. Thanks for a great chance to win. Love coming here for inspiration. Hugs, Carissa

  32. Hi Elaine, I found you through Jo and Judy, great candy, I am now your follower x

  33. WOW i would so love to win these little gems.Thanks for the chance Elaine.

  34. Thanks for the chance to win! I think those stamps are so adorable!!
    hugs Yvonne

  35. Thank you so much for the chance to win! I love hAnglar stamps, and I've not seen them anywhere in the USA.
    You have a lovely blog. I'm a follower.

  36. Oh Elaine, how generous!! I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed...I've never won candy...maybe this time!! I would LOVE to get some Hanglars!! Thanks so much for the great opportunity! Hugs. Pat Frank

  37. Oh WOW Elaine! Thank you so much for the chance to win these! I don't own any Hanglars, but I think they are SO cute!! Crossing my fingers! Hope you have a lovely weekend! Hugs, Sem x

  38. TFS....such nice candy...I added you to my sidebar........LOVE these images
    Hugs Linda

  39. I must have missed this kit on eBay - Love the bunting ones! Gorgeous candy again! Who ever wins will be happy for sure!

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Kimmi xx

  40. hi elaine
    thanks for this great chance to win this amazingly gorgeous stamps
    i've linked your candy on my sidebar hun
    hugs angelique

  41. Oh, thank you for the opportunity to win such delicious candy! I love these images so much, but can rarely afford them...

  42. Hi Elaine, thanks for the chance to win these
    adorable stamps. I am in LOVE with the h"Anglars & we can't get them here. I would care for these so lovingly if I am the lucky winner ... Good luck to everyone.
    Hugs, Janie

  43. Lovely candy, Elaine. Just became a follower. You know we in the States crave the hAnglar stamps and they are so hard to come by. Thanks so much for the chance.

  44. Elaine these look beautiful and thank you so much for the chance to win.

    Hugs Ali x

  45. Hi Elaine
    just wanted to wish EVERYONE good luck with your lovely candy. I was poorly a few weeks back & my lovely hubby got this set for me, so good luck everyone. And once again Elaine, thank YOU for putting up such fantastic blog candy.
    Sandra (craftynan)

  46. Elaine, after a long time, I was back here before, of course, I also try my luck, maybe it is the 2nd time to me. Thanks for the chance to win. Brigitte

  47. I'm A great fan of your work love your blog thanks for the putting up those amazing stamps as candy they would certainly make my chrismas special...Jane

  48. Oh hun you are sooooo generous, I'd never be able to part with these they are gorgeous.
    Thanks so much for the chance to win these hun
    hugs Mandy xx

  49. What amazing candy!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    Lynne xx

  50. hi elaine
    thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous set ,happy crafting
    good luck all
    lalkygirl x

  51. Great candy - dont have any of these stamps so it would be lovel to win them. Thanks for giving me he chance to enter the draw.

  52. Hi Elaine! you really are very kind!! thankyou soooo much for the chance to win such great candy!!
    Jacqui P xx

  53. Thanks for the chance to win. You cant get these stunning stamps over here in New Zealand, and I absolutly adore them.
    Tracy NZ

  54. Hi Elaine, I would love to get my hands on some Hanglar stamps. Heres hoping I win. Thank you. Linda

  55. I have been stalking Ebay for these, even asked my mate is she had them but no, one set she did not get! I will not enter the draw as it would be seen as a fix if I was lucky LOL
    but I am drooling over these cuties.

  56. I don't normally enter candies that I stumble on by accident but these are hAnglars and whereas I do own some, they are so rare to be offered as candy that I couldn't help myself. Thank you so much for the chance to win! Warmest wishes, Lesley

  57. aaawwww these stamps are adorable! Thanks so much for the chance to enter :o)
    Fiona x

  58. Oh my word these are just soooooooooo adorable, thanks for giving us all a chance to give them a loving home

    hugs Troy xxxx

  59. Well this is such a great buch of stamps, So kind of you!
    Wish you a wonderful weekend.

  60. Thanks for the chance to win such a terrific blog candy, love hAnglar stamps and haven't yet been lucky enough to find this set, fingers and everything else crossed that I'm lucky.
    Loving your work, have become a follower
    Julie Ann x

  61. what a great blog, and thank you for the chance to win this great candy.

    I became a follower and left your link in my sidebar as well ;o)

    Wish you a great, creative weekend.

    Hugs from Norway

  62. Hi,

    I hope to win this lovely, sweet stamps, they are just adorable,



Thank you for taking the time to leave me some love :)