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Monday, 31 January 2011

Even More Going Green and Recycling Again

Just a quick post today. I've got a poorly boy now. He seemed perfectly fine when he trotted off to school this morning but matron sent him home with a high temperature and fast heartbeat. He's gone downhill as the day's gone on so I called the GP this evening and he thought Hal had possibly got swine flu.
Anyway, after a trip to the Docs he now thinks it's a viral infection and he's got to stay in bed. Lucky devil - I wish someone would tell me to stay in bed for a week! Doc must think he's poorly as he's going to call tomorrow morning after surgery.
So onto the stamps: Marion, Stamper Sue, Cardmaking Bird and Sian, if you could please EMAIL me with your postal address's then I can get them sent off.
I've still got stamps to photograph, dies and a huge pile of 12 x 12 papers and I'll do my best to get them on here  asap.
Love Elaine xxx

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Even More Going Green and Recycling!

Thank you everyone for your kind comments and thoughtfulness over yesterdays post. We are all fine, but I must admit I didn't sleep too well last night- I kept listening for noises! I know how lightly we got away with it, the things they took were all small and easily carried items and I think Phil disturbed them coming back home as they'd dropped stuff in the garden. All they actually got away with was Phil's laptop, charger and external hard drive, my Ipod and my Bose docking station - Grrrrrrrrrr - and my mobile phone.
But these are all replaceable and the insurance will sort it all out. No-one was hurt and that's all that matters.

I've not had much time to go a-blogging this weekend with all the folks trailing in and out yesterday, and today I've spent catching up on my chores. So I've got some blog catching up to do this week, starting with some more of my clear out stuff. I did intend to get all of it photographed this weekend so I could shove more of it on in one go but it just didn't happen.
Stamping Bella Eloise Greengrass- mounted and I think used once.

Stamping Bella Bettina Buttercream - again mounted and I think used once.

Stampendous Flutterfly Friends - brand new.

Stampendous- Fluffles Wuv, One of the stamps and a sentiment used once.

As in the previous posts, if you want anything just leave a comment after this post, UK and Ireland residents only.
Thanks for looking, and once again Thank You for all your lovely comments yesterday.
Love Elaine xxx

Saturday, 29 January 2011


Phil had to nip into work this morning and left home at 6.55am and got back at 8.00am exactly. He woke me up with the words "We've been broken in to"!
In 65 minutes some little toe-rag had managed to break in whilst me and Hal slept blissfully unaware upstairs.
The police came and took a statement and the officer thinks that they've managed to open the cat flap - which is a magnetic one so it takes some banging from the outside to get it to open unless he held my cat in front of it! - and reach up to open the door from the inside.
The officer had just come from another house in the same area where they also had a cat flap and so he thinks it was the the same way of entry and the same toe-rag.
The CSI guy came after (whoo hoo he really did have CSI on his van!) to take the fingerprints, and he tried to get in from the outside via the cat flap, but the lock is too far away, so he assumed that the intruder has some sort of device he/she uses.
Now me being so anally retentive about everything from cleaning to fire risks to security, I know I won't sleep tonight so I got Phil to ring the local locksmith to fit new locks.
The locksmith then examines our locks and says...It looks to me like it's been 'bumped'.
I've never heard of bumping before, so I googled it. If you type BUMP KEYS into any search engine it will bring up dozens of sites. Apparently it's hard to detect if your lock has been bumped, and if you are burgled and there's no sign of a break-in the insurance assumes you haven't locked the door and won't pay out!
Since Phil was only out for a short while and me and the boy were upstairs in bed, he didn't re-set the house alarm. Needless to say, we are now having bump proof locks fitted to all the doors.
But just to make you laugh...I awoke to Phil telling me this news and immediately got out of bed and walked into my craft room....needed to check my rubber was all there. Rubber first, valuables later, I've got my priorities right!
I'd certainly never heard of 'bump keys' before today.
The reason I'm writing this post is certainly not to alarm anyone but just to make you all aware.
The cost for 3 new locks and an extra one on the patio doors is about £300. A lot of money to fork out in a recession when folks are watching their pennies but better than the alternative.
Take care everyone, and keep safe.
Love Elaine xxx

Thursday, 27 January 2011

More Going Green and Recycling....Again

Just a quick post. The boy has done his name picking and the Christmas Critters stamps are going to be adopted by Tilly and the Critter Party will go to live with Suzanne (Kraftykid family). If you could please EMAIL ME
then I can get them posted out to you both.
Thank you for all your lovely comments, but I'm really not being generous, I'm simply passing on my unwanted stuff.
Love Elaine xx

Sugar Bowl Challenge ~ 52

It's my favourite day of the fortnight and time for the next Sugar Bowl Challenge. The sketch for this challenge has been provided by the very sweet Maria Therese and the option is 'Love'. This sketch had me scratching my head and pulling my hair out for days! I had the image coloured and the majority of the card made, but there was just one little bit that I could not get right no matter what I tried. I'm sorry Maria, it wasn't your sketch at all, it was me being....well me!
And a wonky photo too, but I am rather good at taking wonky photos!

This gorgeous image is called Elise. She's another of my favourites that I keep on coming back to, from the Home Grown Country Cousins range, available to purchase HERE. She's been coloured with the usual DI's, and I've dotted glamour dust on her dress to look like sequins, possibly? The papers are another favourite that I keep on coming back to, Ella Blue. A few pearls and 2 little pearly heart embellies from Jill at The Hobby House.
It was the wingy thingy's that had me stumped! So I'll apologise now as I'm not really sure that I totally followed the sketch?
The Sugar Bowl always offers the best prizes and for the lucky winners of this sketch for there will be TWO prizes, with TWO lucky people winning their choice of 6 Sugar Nellie stamps! Who can resist a bit of pick'n'mix eh?
All the details can be found on the Sugar Bowl Blog as well as plenty of inspiration from the other sweeties.

Thanks for looking and for any comments you may leave.
Love Elaine xxx

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

More Going Green and Recycling.

My boy has picked 2 names out of the hat, I'll be back later with the names he picked.
Ha! You're all going to get thoroughly fed up with the titles of these posts!
So I'm back with some more stuff that's looking to be adopted. I will list both of these sets as used. I'm pretty sure they've not been but I can't be 100% positive.

Penny Black Christmas Critters

 Penny Black Critter Party

If anybody wants either pack or both packs, just leave me a comment after this post, stating which you want or both. UK and Ireland residents only, again because of the postage.
I'll be back at 9am tomorrow morning with the next Sugar Bowl Challenge.
Love Elaine xxx

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Going Green and Recycling Again!

Just a quick post as we've not long since walked in from the dreaded 'Parents Evening'. My boy has picked a name out of the hat and the 6 x 6 papers are going to live with......

If you can EMAIL me then I will post them to you asap.
I'll be back tomorrow with some more stuff.
Love Elaine xx

Monday, 24 January 2011

Going Green and Recycling!

OK Peeps, my boy has picked a name from the hat.
I've finished clearing out my craft room and, more importantly, I've taken all the junk back out of the cupboard I'd shoved it in and sorted through it again. The stuff destined for the bin has now gone, the local learning centre has had another 2 full bags of stuff and I'm left with a more manageable pile.
I've got 12 x 12 papers, 6 x 6 papers, pads, dies and stamps. They may well all be unwanted by me, but maybe someone else can use them? So I thought I'd stick them on here and see if anybody wants any of them, then I can pat myself on the back for recycling!
First up is the pile of 6 x 6 papers. Just over 270 sheets and an assortment of 7 Gypsies, MME, 3 Bugs in a Rug, Imaginisce, Bo Bunny, Daisy D's and Basic Grey and a few others.

If anybody wants them then please leave me a comment after this post. If there's more than 1 comment then I'll get my boy to pick a name out of the hat. UK and Ireland postal addresses only, simply because I will be paying the postage.
I've got a really busy week ahead of me but I'll try and post some of the 'craft recycling' stuff each day if at all possible.
Love Elaine xx

Saturday, 22 January 2011

LOTV Blog Candy Winner

Sorry this is a bit late in the day but Saturday is my cleaning, ironing and general chores day and I like to be up and at it. If I start on the computer or blogger then the day disappears and the chores are still waiting to be done.
So without any further waffling - even though I am rather good at waffling - I did the thingy and the winner is:

Congratulations Tracy (Country Mouse) if you can EMAIL me with your postal address then I will get them posted asap.
A big 'Thank You' to everyone that joined in and I'll be back with another candy next month.
A little message to Pamela L, you asked for my email address. I have sent you an email today using the address you left on the candy, so I hope you get my email? But if not, if you click on the bold 'email' above it gives you the address.

Love Elaine xxx

Just A Little Candy....

This post will stay at the top, please scroll down for any newer posts.
My plan was to have a candy in January of the Simply Sassy stamps set 4, but I don't know when they are due to be sold over at Funky Kits so for now my little candy will be some LOTV stamps instead.

                                                       Dandelion Clock

Birthday Fairy

Pom Pom

Bubble Bath

I Do

This candy consists of the above 5 new unmounted rubber stamps. In order to enter all I ask is that you are a follower. The candy is open worldwide but I am not liable to pay for any customs/duties that some countries levy. Candy ends on Saturday 22nd January 9am UK time. In order to enter please click on the blue froggy.

LOTV Blog Candy

1. Susie  51. Mummylade  101. Nikki C  
2. Christine (blankiefinder)  52. Suzanne  102. Sally J  
3. aussie loz  53. wendy  103. CHRISSY  
4. Suzie Q  54. AUNTY SUE  104. Dennyx xxx  
5. Joe-Anne  55. Maddy HIll  105. Vicki C  
6. Sandra ltb  56. Sharon  106. Henriëtte  
7. Carol  57. SannaS  107. Loreal Blondi  
8. Dawn Bennett  58. paula Ponton (PEP)  108. Patty Chapman  
9. sequin  59. kim  109. Sandra (craftynan)  
10. JAcqui P  60. Debra James  110. Christine Craig  
11. terriavidreader  61. fiona lawlor  111. sarahwrightdesigns  
12. Kiki  62. Dana Bincer  112. Dragonlady  
13. Larisa  63. Deb  113. Heidi x  
14. Sarah-Stressed Stamper  64. jayne davies  114. melx  
15. Kerry M xx  65. orit  115. FrancaK  
16. Moni  66. debbi  116. Luciana Kajiura  
17. Jenni  67. Tertia  117. xGemmax  
18. Sinikka  68. Claudia7  118. Troy.P  
19. sugarplum  69. Paola Levi  119. CarolJenks  
20. Maria Therese  70. Kathryn Yee  120. Tracy  
21. Sian  71. diana  121. Denimo  
22. Dianne  72. Arjette  122. Samantha H  
23. Sylvia  73. Renkata  123. Alice R  
24. Cathy  74. liza w  124. Anne  
25. Shazza  75. PINK SANDRA  125. Lisbeth B  
26. Lorraine  76. Tany Sol  126. Yvonne Russell  
27. theCook  77. Ewik21  127. Janie Printz  
28. Peggy Biggs  78. stempelomi  128. Marion H  
29. Tracy NZ  79. Chrissyxx  129. Kreativmonster  
30. JudeB  80. Suzilou  130. Sarah  
31. SarahS  81. julye  131. Kym's Crafty Cards  
32. victoria  82. Carissa  132. michelle jadaa  
33. Debbie B  83. E.T  133. Netty  
34. Janet R  84. Sammibug  134. Lorraine  
35. liz marsden  85. Donalda  135. JLJ Designs  
36. Janice  86. Shirley Chalmers  136. Tina Hdz.  
37. Julie S  87. Vicky xx  137. Lena ❤  
38. Tessa  88. Sandie  138. Anny90  
39. claire c x  89. Pamela  139. Annelies  
40. jenn zeeb  90. ♥Jacilynn Dashwood♥  140. fHeidi in MI  
41. stampersue  91. Nic  141. Sabine  
42. hazeyj  92. Lisa Sparkle  142. Heike  
43. Meesh  93. Petra  143. Sabina  
44. Renata  94. kate  144. Tracy Payne  
45. Mo  95. Jenny V  145. Judy  
46. Debs xx  96. Yvon vd Tas  146. penny  
47. Gabbi  97. angelique  147. Sam / Whisper  
48. Rach  98. Shirley N  148. Denise G  
49. Debbi  99. AndreaJB  149. Pamela L.  
50. Uma  100. Evelyn C  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, 21 January 2011

Romantic Dreamer.....

Nope, not me! I'm too darn old and too darn tired for any romantic dreaming!
It's been a devil of a week again, but then most weeks are pretty busy, next week being no exception with a few after work activities. Tuesday is 'Parents Evening' Oh joy of joy, how I love parents evening!
The last one I went to, I felt like sticking my head in the oven by the time we got back home (except we have an electric oven so I would've only burnt my ears and not gassed myself ) The story goes: Hal's a good pupil, well behaved, good manners and no trouble at school. I just wish they would stop there, but oh no there's always a 'but'. BUT he could do better, always he could do better. I did point out to one of the teachers last time, that since he got an A* in his exam, how exactly would he achieve a better result? I know they have his best interests at heart but I do wish that sometimes they would praise him for the good results as well as pointing out his errors! Wednesday and Friday is the usual Jujitsu for Hal. Thursday I will be paying for the privilege of being tortured at the dentist and Friday is 2 hours at the hairdressers while he tries to cover up the ever increasing grey hairs. Good week huh?
I only realised tonight that I'd not posted the following card on my blog, only on the Sugar Nellie group over on Face book.

OK, so you know the image is called Romantic Dreamer available to buy HERE and as always she's been coloured with DI's. The papers are Websters Pages and were a Christmas gift from my lovely buddy Amanda over in the States. A ms border punch, a Doo Hickey swirly whirly and a Nellie Snellen flower.

My craft room is now all clean, tidy and junk free but with little free time this week the junk has been shoved in a cupboard until I can find the time to sort it into bin/learning centre/blog piles and finally rid myself of it.
And I have an inbox full of lovely emails, so please forgive me if you're waiting for a reply, I will catch up with everyone over this weekend.
Before I go, the lovely Debbi has some fabulous candy on offer in honour of her upcoming birthday.

I'll post the photo and a link on my sidebar shortly so pop over and join in. If you've not been to Debbi's blog before (why not!!) make a cuppa first and enjoy looking at her beautiful cards.
My candy ends tomorrow at 9am so I will be back over the weekend to post the winner, thank you everyone that took the time to enter and thank you also if you answered my question on candy. It appears you are a very easy to please bunch and are quite happy with Sassy's, LOTV's or Hanglars.

Thanks for looking and for any comments you may leave.
Love Elaine xxx

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Love Blog Award, Naughtiness and Other Stuff!

WOW! You are loving those LOTV stamps aren't you? I didn't realise just how popular they are. I usually put hAnglar stamps on as candy but it appears the LOTV are just as popular if not more so. So a little question for my followers, given the choice would you prefer hAnglar stamps, LOTV stamps or Simply Sassy stamps for future candy's?

Next....Love Blog Award.
I have received this award from Shirley who we all know as Nannieflash. Thank you Shirley for thinking of me. Shirley is one of the loveliest and sweetest ladies in blogland and a good friend too.
There are a couple of conditions for the award
You have been TAGGED and want to participate? Then create a post where you post the 'LOVE BLOG' image. You should also blog the persons link that gave you the award and inform her/him that you accept the award. You can then choose 3 - 5  favourite blogs which you also link in your post, then each blogger will inform you that they have been tagged.

Dear bloggers:
The aim of this action is that we bring unknown, good blogs to light, so I would ask you not to blog fellow bloggers that already have 3,000 followers.
As always, the hardest part is to pick who to pass this on to, there are so many bloggers I could give it to, so.......

Amanda from Cards, Cats and Copics. 

Sian from Mad Thoughts Of A Crafty Cow

Christine from Nanaseaside's

Sarah from Sarah's Little Creations

SusieQ from Squirrelq

Next up, the lovely Anne from Felixir has some gorgeous candy on her blog, click on her name to be taken straight there.

And lastly, a bit of naughtiness........

.....this is what Miss Lisa gets up to when she thinks know one is looking! This is the little en-suite bathroom, and one Sunday morning I heard a noise, so I rolled over and opened my eyes and was confronted by this sight, Lisa with her big, fat ass stuck up in the air and her head down the toilet bowl drinking the water!
Dirty little madam she is!

Thanks for looking.
Love Elaine xxx

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Sugar Bowl Challenge ~ 51.

I had taken a little break from the Sugar Bowl over Christmas, but now I'm very glad to be back in action!
The sketch for challenge 51 has been provided by the lovely Kiki and the option is a nice and easy one - Birthday.
I needed to make a birthday card for a very special little girl who celebrated her 5th birthday yesterday and I hope she liked it. My regular readers will know that I tend to keep my cards pretty simple, but I think this one is a little TOO simple. 

Out came my favourite Christmas stamp of 2010 called Make a Wish, available to buy HERE. I always said that although perfect for Christmas I knew I would also use her for birthdays too. She's coloured with the usual DI's, the papers are Pink Paislee and the sentiment is a LOTV and there's nothing else except a few pearls!

The prize for the winner of this challenge is........A Mystery Prize! And because the prize is from Sugar Nellie I can guarantee that it will be fabulous, as always!
All the details can be found on the Sugar Bowl Blog as well as lots of inspiration from the other Sweeties.

Thanks for looking and for any comments you may leave.
Love Elaine xxx

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

WOYWW and stuff.....

I'm always looking around blogland at the WOYWW posts. My Oh My you really are a messy lot!
You might not believe that this is the actual state of my desk (unless you're one of my buddies and you'll know it's true!) but I am a very clean and tidy crafter - hubby calls me anally retentive!
My craft room is laughingly called the spare bedroom but it's so tiny we used it when Hal was small and still in a cot. I know I've said this before in an earlier post but the alphabet on the wall ran around 2 sides of the room. I stuck it  there when Hal was a baby and being me, I used superglue and it won't come off without taking half the wall down with it - we need to get a plasterer in to replace the darn wall now!

All the stuff at the back of my desk lives there permanently so it's within easy reach.
After I took the photo I picked up all the rubbish that was on the floor and put it on my desk instead.........

.......hmmmmm doesn't look quite so tidy now, does it?
Just because I've not posted any cards this week doesn't mean I've not been busy! I've sorted through all my wood backed stamps, embellies, dies etc and cleared out all the stuff I don't use any more. Just the papers to go through now! Anybody want to help.....please? I fear this will be a mammoth task!
Phil's taken 2 full bags to the local learning centre where they run various crafting classes for disadvantaged people, OAP's, and those with learning difficulties. The funding is almost zero for this community project so I like to donate most of my unwanted stuff there, but they don't want stamps/dies etc.
I'm off to climb the paper mountain!!

I'll be back tomorrow with the new Sugar Bowl Challenge.
Hope to see you then
Love Elaine xxx

Friday, 7 January 2011

Look At How I've Grown!

I have to confess that I've not had the chance to make a single thing this week. Going back to work was hard after the long and lovely Christmas break! Although I only made the one card (from my last post) whilst I was off, I was a busy little bee. I decided my craft room needed a good dusting and a good clearout and I got most of it done. I just need to sort through the wooden stamps and then I've finished. When I first started stamping I always bought wood backed stamps and I really hated the unmounted rubber ones, but now I never buy the wood backed ones. I keep taking them off the shelf, dusting them and putting them back again but I never use them anymore, so I'm going to be ruthless and re-home most of them.
So because I've no card to share I thought I'd post an up-to-date photograph of Poppy.
Remember this one back in July?

Well now she looks like this.....

Grandad and me had bought her a sit in bouncer with all these toys on it and her Daddy told us "The thing she loves to play with the most is......yep, the manufacturers tag! Typical eh? She's still a Cheeky Monkey!
It was so lovely to see Jon, Sam and Poppy and spend Christmas Day with them.

OK, I'll be back on Thursday for the next Sugar Bowl challenge but I'll try and pop a card on here before then. I have got stuff coloured up I just need to actually make something with them!
Thanks for looking and for any comments you may leave.
Love Elaine xxx