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Friday 1 October 2010


I thought I'd better post something just in case you all thought I'd disappeared! The week has just whizzed by, and I've not had a chance to go on blogger. Sadly, I've not been having a fun time living it up, not making cards either, just work, work and work.

Thank you to everyone who has entered the boys birthday candy, and taken the time to wish him a happy birthday, it's very kind of you all. I have enjoyed reading your comments, and had a good belly laugh at some of them! I'm very glad that Hal will pick the winner and not me, for I couldn't choose.
His birthday is tomorrow - Saturday - and we have a full day planned out. After the initial gift opening ceremony we are going to Bolton to spend the day with his Grandparents, my Mum and Dad.
In the evening we are going out for a meal with his other Nana, his godparents Auntie Tracy and Uncle Tony and their children, and his Uncle Jeff. We don't see much of Jeff as he lives in South Africa, but he's flown in today to spend a week over here visiting family and friends, so it'll be nice to catch up.
My Sunday will be spent catching up on the cleaning/ironing etc, and once the candy has closed at 9pm Hal will sit down and read all the comments ready to pick his favourite. He even wants to write the post himself but I will proof read it before posting!

My congratulations go out to all the new Sweeties for the Sugar Bowl. I didn't envy Gayle's task of picking the competition winners. There were so many beautiful entries that it must've been so hard to pick just 5. But Gayle has done a fab job, as always, and we now have Ali, Erika, Maria Therese, Kiki and Pat added to our happy little family (I will pop the links to their blogs under my Sweetie banner shortly)

Right, I'm off to bed because I will bet my bottom dollar that someone will be up early in the morning. He might be 16 tomorrow but he still gets excited about his birthday.
Have a fab weekend everyone.
Love Elaine xx


  1. Hi Elaine sounds like you have had a very busy week hun and mores to come with Hals birthday but it sounds like it will be a really great day.I hope your boy has a wonderful time on his Sweet 16 not sure if he would appriciate me saying 'sweet 16'lol I know what teenage boys are like.
    Have fun and I look forward to your next post or should I say Hals post
    Lorraine xx

  2. Happy Birthday Hal, have a wonderful day, yep sweet 16 - oh the joys!

    Sounds like you need a little me time Elaine, enjoy your weekend.

  3. Happy 16th Birthday Hal, have a fabulous day!!!!
    Elaine you have a wonderful weekend with all your family lots
    Sarah xx

  4. Awww Sweetie, how busy have you been?! Can't imagine not having crafting time! Need to book yourself some time out for crafting lol! Happy Birthday to Hal! Thank you so much for all your lovely comments on my blog I so appreciate each and every one. Have a great weekend Hun. Lotsa luv xxxx

  5. congratulations on your son's birthday today
    i hope you'll have a great day
    happy birthday to you hal
    finaly 16 years old
    hugs angelique

  6. Hi Elaine,
    lets get my priorities right first........for Hal
    Happy birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday Dear Boy,
    hope your days full of Joy!!!!!
    Have a fab day mate sounds like you's gonna be spoilt and rightly so!!!
    Now Elaine good to see you not deserted us, life just gets in the way sometimes, well all of the time really so no need to apologise as I am sure we will always pop by just to check if you have made something wonderful!!!
    Enjoy your day with your son and family, i went out last night and had a fab time with family and i always come home thinking i don't see enough of them - things must change x
    looking forward to reading Hals post tomorrow you did make me chuckle saying your gonna proof read it first lol x
    Suzie qx

  7. Hi Elaine
    this is for Hal
    this is a ditty that my granddaughter Charlie (8) has asked me to send to you (who I am staying with in France at the moment).
    Happy Birthday to you
    Squashed tomotoes & stew
    Bread & Butter in the gutter
    Happy Birthday to you.
    have a fantastic 16th Birthday Hal, hope you have lots of fantastic presents & have a great day. As for getting excited over your Birthday (I still do) & I'm super old as Charlie says rotfl.
    Sandra (craftynan)

  8. Today is such a beautiful day ... lalala
    Happy Birthday Hal and a nice family celebration.

  9. you too Elaine - enjoy!
    I had always thought as the kids got older, things would get easier, I would have more time .... how wrong was I!

  10. Hi Elaine, I hope Hal is having a wonderful birthday and that mum is enjoying catching up with all the family.
    Will be back to visit you after my hols, take care with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxxx

  11. Happy Birthday Hal!!

    Hope you've had a wicked time today! Catching up with family can be tiring but its great to get together and find out what's been happening in their world of late!
    Hope your Mum has enjoyed her time catching up and chin wagging with the family too!

    Elaine - Sorry I don't live closer or I'd come and clean and iron for you and give you the day off tomorrow. Hope its not too taxing :o)

    Hugs to all!

    Kimmi xx

  12. Hope you've both been having a good day. Now what did you have in your parcels Hal? Not sure that this aged old lady would understand if you tell me so perhaps that one's better kept under wraps. Elaine your sense of humour is unique - PROOF READ!!
    Paula (PEP)

  13. Happy Birthday Hal and have a wonderful day.

    Hugs Ali x


Thank you for taking the time to leave me some love :)